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四川理工学院毕业论文 从关联理论角度对 可译性和不可译性问题的探讨 学 生:刘 明 华 学 号:200303223 专 业:英语 班 级:经贸/教育2005.2 指导教师:X X X 四川理工学院外语学院 二0一0年六月 ? ? ? ? On Translatability or Untranslatability in Light of Relevance Theory Supervisor: X X X Author : Liu Minghua School of Foreign Languages Sichuan University of Science Engineering Zigong, Sichuan, China June, 2010 ??????????? Acknowledgements ? My sincere gratitude goes to all those teachers of School of Foreign Languages, whose instructive lectures are of great help for the completion of this dissertation. But here I must offer specific thanks to my supervisor, Mr/Mrs/Ms. XXX, who gave me very helpful guidance and provided extremely useful comments on the whole draft. I would also express the sincere appreciation to my good friend XXX, who helped me find materials related to my dissertation. In addition, I would owe great gratitude to my classmate XXX, XXX, who helped me in the process of accomplishment of my dissertation. ? 4. Abstract ABSTRACT ? ? ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------. ? KEY WORDS:? ---- ; -----; ----- ? 5.中文摘要 ? 中 文 摘 要 -------------------------------------------------- -------------------。 ? ----; -----; ----- ? 6. Contents ? Contents ?I Introduction…………………………………………………….1 1.1 Reviews of the West………………………………………..2 1.2 ……………..………………………………………………. II Theoretical Background for………………………………..….. 2.1Definitions of Translation and……………………………… 2.2 Translatability……………………………………………… III New Theoretical Background―Relevance Theory……….…. IV Detailed Analysis of Translatability……………………..….... 4.1 Translatability of Culture…………………………….…. 4.2 Linguistic Translatability…………………………….…. V Accommodation Mechanisms of Untranslatability……….… VI Conclusion.....................................................


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