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商务英语BEC高级考试作文范文精选(1) 来源:互联网更新时间:2011-11-10 11:36:48【点击进入论坛】 【摘要】?????2011年下半年商务英语BEC高级考试在即,对于大家来说应该进入备考的冲刺阶段了,为了帮助大家备考写作部分,拿到高分,下面给大家整理了作文范文精选。供大家参考。????Report?writing?Ex?… ??? 2011年下半年商务英语BEC高级考试在即,对于大家来说应该进入备考的冲刺阶段了,为了帮助大家备考写作部分,拿到高分,下面给大家整理了作文范文精选。供大家参考。 Report writing Ex 4: Sample answer: (235words)      Reassessment of job satisfaction: Sue Pearson(PR Dept.)   Introduction   This report sets out to use Workset colours to assess the accuracy of my job description as PR officer and to suggest a number of changes. 报告陈述了用工作集来评定我作为公关人员工作描述的准确性,并提出了一些变化。   Findings 调查结果   It is clear that there is a difference between the way the company views the job and the reality as I perceive it. 1,显然,公司看待工作的方式和我感知到的现实并不同。 Firstly, a number of areas which demand a significant proportion of my time are not mentioned in the official job brief. 首先,在许多领域里,我的时间需要重要的比例在正式简报中并没有提到。 2,首先,占据我主要时间的许多领域在简报中并没有提到。 The segment on the pie chart which provides most cause for concern is the pink sector; this relates to my attendance at a number of meetings which I can contribute little. 饼形图上最让人关注的是粉色扇形,这个和我参加的许多只能参与很少的会议有关。 Another significant area is the grey segment; this refers to the unscheduled time I spend sorting out computer problems. 另一个是灰色部分,这是计划外的时间,花在了解决各类计算机问题。 I feel these activities are hampering my core work. As can be seen from the pie charts, the time I spend actively working to meet the goals agreed with my line manager is less than envisaged. 我感到这些活动阻碍了我的核心工作。从饼形图上可以看到,用在完成部门经理部署的工作的时间比设想的要少。   Conclusions? 结论   The above discrepancies clearly indicate that my current job brief is inaccurate. 以上差异清楚地表明我当前的工作简报是不精确的。   Recommendations 建议   I would recommend that my official job brief should be updated using the Workset colours. 我会建议更新我的正式工作简报而采用工作集颜色。 It would also be valuable to consider the proportion of non-core colours in the pie chart and to investigate whether work in these areas could be carried out by someone else more suited to these tasks. 考虑饼形图中非核心工作时间的比例并且调查


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