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三、逾期申報 (§12第3項) 四、故意申報不實(§12第3項) 有申報義務之人無正當理由未依規定期限申報或故意申報不實者,處新臺幣6萬元以上120萬元以下罰鍰。其故意申報不實之數額低於罰鍰最低額時,得酌量減輕。 裁罰態樣 注意! 受本條處罰確定者,將公布姓名及處罰事由於資訊網路或刊登政府公報或新聞紙! 報告完畢 謝謝聆聽 * * * * * MS has been focused and been successful on providing a ubiquitous suite for individual productivity, Office. Collaboration has been deployed in a disconnected fashion. IT deploying monolithic collaborative applications top-down (not agile, not enough autonomy for businesses, can’t be deployed quickly) BDMs deploying collaborative solutions that deliver immediate benefit but don’t connect to the rest of the organization (created islands of collaboration that weren’t connected) Organizations need/want portals and collaboration to be integrated Individuals have base level of productivity Power comes from expanding the scope to add participants as necessary Needs to roll up to the complete enterprise Team The place where real work gets done Division Place where business process and collaboration come together Good success at relatively simple and effective content targeting because of shared organizational goals Enterprise Employees need to be able to go to a single place to find information to help them on a new task They need a place to go to to see everything going on in the organization and drill down into the areas they’re interested in Corporations need a way to effectively create a shared culture and be able to distribute company wide data. They need it to integrate well with their other LOB systems. No platform vendor has provided a single environment that addresses this continuum of needs SharePoint is the only technology bet that can provide the full continuum Combines easy-to-use solutions and a robust web services environment Enterprise collaboration and enterprise portal frameworks need to merge Microsoft is the first vendor to provide this with SharePoint * MS has been focused and been successful on providing a ubiquit


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