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Chapter 05 Sparse Matrix General List 第五章 稀疏数组和广义表 Prof. Qing Wang 本章学习的线索 主要线索 重点 稀疏矩阵的三元组存储 广义表的概念和存储表示 难点 稀疏矩阵的运算(转置、乘法) 十字链表存储结构 Content Definition of Array Representation of Sparse Matrix Typical operations of Sparse Matrix Definition of General List (Lists) Physical form of General List Applications of General List 5.1 Generic array Array is the extension of the sequential list. User can re-define specific functions to avoid the exceedingly access of the array. Categories 1D array 2D array 3D array High dimensional array 1D array 2D array Memory address of 2D array 3D Array Memory address of 3D array Memory address of n-D array n-Dimension array The dimensions are m1, m2, m3, …, mn The element with subscripts (i1, i2, i3, …, in) is in the space: 5.2 Compact storage of special matrix 1. Special matrix 1) Symmetric matrix: if aij = aji 1=i, j = n we only need to take the low triangle and diagonal elements into account. As a result, the space for these elements is n(n+1)/2. Suppose we use a 1D array s[0..n(n+1)/2] to save these values, the corresponding address k in 1D array for the element aij is: Example Row: m=6; Column: n=7; The number of non-zero elements: t=8 Matrix Transposition Method1: matrix transposition Analysis Method2: matrix transposition Fast transposition algorithm Analysis Matrix multiplication Theory: 2D Array Implementation Matrix multiplication Matrix multiplication Procedure of multiplication Complexity analysis The loop numbers in the algorithm: 1 ctemp initialization ? O(M.mu*N.nu) 2 for all non-zero elements in result matrix Q ? O(M.tu*N.tu/N.mu) 3 compacted ? O(M.mu*N.nu) 4 The total time complexity is: O(M.mu*N.nu+M.tu*N.tu/N.mu) If the complexity is: Question? Triple based representation for sparse matrix Addition C=A+B:similar to the addition of polynomial A=A+B:it is very hard to implement due to the drawbacks of the sequential structure Example of Initialization of cross-linked list Cross linked


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