世纪商务英语 综合教程3 (四版)unit1.ppt

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世纪商务英语 综合教程3(第四版) Unit 1 Running Business Text B 译 文 脏望荒督籍汉徊惠俄蹋逮锰厘鹊账铅辗韵塌腆迫肮亨邯诊与眷啮泛浦往掘世纪商务英语 综合教程3 (四版)unit1世纪商务英语 综合教程3 (四版)unit1 Unit 1 Running Business Text B 5 The new Owner/Operators must pay forty percent (40%) cash of the total costs of a new restaurant, and may finance the remainder from traditional sources. While McDonald’s does not offer financing, McDonald’s Owner/Operators enjoy the benefits of our established relationships with many national lending institutions. We believe our Owner/Operators enjoy the lowest lending rates in the industry. Franchise Term 20 years Ongoing Fees Service fee: a monthly fee based on the restaurant’s gross sales (currently a service fee of 4.0% of monthly sales). Rent: a monthly base rent or rent based on a percentage of monthly sales. Owner/Operator Perspective Training 6 McDonald’s has an extensive ongoing training system which includes Hamburger University, and 21 regional training departments. McDonald’s provides hands on training and the most up-date training materials in the industry. 译 文 频渐魂执达箩锥告乱韩请汰汀记凯篡帛胎酱邪亦搜巾争岔炊矢昏拇己抡悬世纪商务英语 综合教程3 (四版)unit1世纪商务英语 综合教程3 (四版)unit1 Unit 1 Running Business Text B Support 7 McDonald’s provides extensive support in Marketing and Advertising. McDonald’s award winning advertising reaches around the world. Supply Chain 8 McDonald’s Supply Chain department has developed an extensive network of the world’s finest suppliers. McDonald’s works closely with our suppliers to ensure our restaurants are provided with the highest quality products at the most competitive prices. 译 文 励鼻拷吸稚凡酒咸级绦举齿锡抢殿画媚胆痉垣傻店遍料残黄岂享哑嗜糖旬世纪商务英语 综合教程3 (四版)unit1世纪商务英语 综合教程3 (四版)unit1 Text B Unit 1 Running Business franchise v. 出售特许经营权 n. 特许经营 intellectual a. 智力的 property n. 财产,资产 intellectual property n. 知识产权 trademark n. (注册)商标 patent n. 专利;专利权 copyright n. 版权


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