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大气科学系 微机应用基础 Primer of microcomputer application FORTRAN77程序设计 FORTRAN77 Program Design 大气科学概论 An Introduction to Atmospheric Science 大气探测学基础 Atmospheric Sounding 流体力学 Fluid Dynamics 天气学 Synoptic Meteorology 天气分析预报实验 Forecast and Synoptic analysis 生产实习 Daily weather forecasting 现代气候学基础 An introduction to modern climatology 卫星气象学 Satellite meteorology C语言程序设计 C Programming 大气探测实验 Experiment on Atmospheric Detective Technique 云雾物理学 Physics of Clouds and fogs 动力气象学 Dynamic Meteorology 计算方法 Calculation Method 诊断分析 Diagnostic Analysis 中尺度气象学 Meso-Microscale Synoptic Meteorology 边界层气象学 Boundary Layer Meteorology 雷达气象学 Radar Meteorology 数值天气预报 Numerical Weather Prediction 气象统计预报 Meteorological Statical Prediction 大气科学中的数学方法 Mathematical Methods in Atmospheric Sciences 专题讲座 Seminar 专业英语 English for Meteorological Field of Study 计算机图形基础 Basic of computer graphics 气象业务自动化 Automatic Weather Service 空气污染预测与防治 Prediction and Control for Air Pollution 现代大气探测 Advanced Atmospheric Sounding 数字电子技术基础 Basic of Digital Electronic Techniqul 大气遥感 Remote Sensing of Atmosphere 模拟电子技术基础 Analog Electron Technical Base 大气化学 Atmospheric Chemistry 航空气象学 Areameteorology 计算机程序设计 Computer Program Design 数值预报模式与数值模拟 Numerical Model and Numerical Simulation 接口技术在大气科学中的应用 Technology of Interface in Atmosphere Sciences Application 海洋气象学 Oceanic Meteorology 现代实时天气预报技术(MICAPS系统) Advanced Short-range Weather Forecasting Technique(MICAPS system) 1) atmospheric precipitation大气降水 2) atmosphere science大气科学 3) atmosphere大气 1.The monitoring and study of atmosphere characteristics in near space as an environment for space weapon equipments and system have been regarded more important for battle support. 随着临近空间飞行器的不断发展和运用,作为武器装备和系统环境的临近空间大气特性成为作战保障的重要条件。 2.The paper summarized the impacts of sandstone pits on the environment in terms of the atmosphere,groundwater and soil,and puts forward proposals for its control. 本文主要从砂石坑对北京地区大气质量、地下水和土地三方面,阐述了砂石坑对环境的影响,并提出了治理建议。


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