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目录 摘要……………………………………………………………………… 绪论……………………………………………………………………… 第一章 形容词重叠式研究的本体研究………………………………… 形容词重叠式的类型及重叠的条件………………………… 第二节 形容词重叠式的句法功能及语法意义……………………… 第二章 外国学生学习形容词重叠式的偏误分析……………………… 第一节 形容词重叠式的偏误类型分析……………………………… 第二节 形容词重叠式的偏误成因分析……………………………… 第三章 对外汉语教材中关于形容词重叠式的教学分析与建议……… 第一节 对现有对外汉语教材中语法点说明安排的分析与建议……… 第二节 对现有对外汉语教材中生词与课文安排的分析与建议……… 第三节 对现有对外汉语教材中课后练习安排的分析与建议………… 结语……………………………………………………………………… 对外汉语形容词重叠式的偏误分析及教材编写建议 摘要 形容词重叠式是汉语中一个重要的语法点,外国学生在日常交流与写作中常常会使用到,所以必须在对外汉语教学中引起足够的重视。本文从汉语本体研究出发,了解到形容词重叠有多种类型,常用的有AA式、AABB式、ABB式和容易忽略的ABAB式和A里AB式,这些形容词A或AB通过重叠后性质发生了根本的变化。了解形容词重叠式的类型可以帮助研究它的句法功能和语法意义。不清楚形容词重叠的条件是外国学习者产生偏误的重要原因之一,分析形容词重叠式的偏误类型和成因,可以帮助我们发现教师教学和教材编写中需要注意的问题,从而使对外汉语教学中的形容词重叠式教学更加科学、系统、完善。 关键词:形容词 重叠 偏误 教学对策 Abstract The adjective reduplication is an important grammar in Chinese.In teaching Chinese as a foreign language,there is little attention to the adjective reduplication, with which the foreign students usually communicate each other in speaking or writing.The author summarizes the main types of the adjective reduplication after researching,including type AA、type AABB、type ABB、type ABAB and type A里AB.These types with new grammatical function and meaning are changed from the adjective fundamental mode A or AB.The foreign learners often make errors in the adjective reduplication,and one of the reasons is that they can’t figure out the condition of overlapping.When the foreign learners get a clear understanding of which adjective can be overlapped or which not,the problem of overusing the adjective reduplication can be fixed.The author analyze the classification and cause of some errors in the adjective reduplication in order to help the Chinese teachers find the difficult and key points and the experts compile the textbooks properly and systematically.This paper is aimed at helping the foreign learners study the adjective reduplication more efficiently. Keywords: Adjective Reduplication Error Teaching strategy


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