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Unit 4 Wildlife Protection Reading:How Daisy Learned to Help Wildlife ● Teaching Aims: (教学目标) Knowledge aims: (知识目标) 1.使学生理解课文中的重点单词,短语。 2.使学生了解一些关于濒危野生动物及其现状和保护的基本信息。 Ability aims: (能力目标 ) 鼓励学生表达他们关于野生动物及其保护的态度看法。 提高学生的阅读理解能力。 Emotional aims: (情感目标 ) 1.帮助学生懂得保护野生动植物的重要性并使他们能积极的参与保护野生动植物活动中。 2.培养学生的合作学习意识。 ● Teaching Key Points: (教学重点) 训练学生的阅读理解能力。 ● Teaching Difficult Points: (教学难点) 培养学生的一些阅读技巧。 ● Teaching Materials: (教学材料) 多媒体教室,黑板 ● Teaching methods:(教学方法) 任务型教学;合作型学习;学生小组活动 ● Teaching Procedures: (教学过程) Step 1: Lead-in (导入) Task 1: Class Work 让学生带着两个问题观看一段简短的关于野生动物保护的公益广告。看完后让学生回答问题。(问题设置以填空、问答为主,既引入新学单词又引入话题) Let’s enjoy a video (观看一段视频) Q1: which animals do you see? _____ _____ _______ ______ _______ Q2: what happened to those animals? 1. These animals are _______ and_______ by people without mercy, so they are in danger of ____________now. 2. Just as Chenglong said, “ When the buying stops, the killing can too! ” 设计意图:引入本节课保护野生动植物的话题,同时唤起学生保护野生动物的意识,导入阅读部分 Step 2: Reading (阅读) I: Fast Reading (略读) Task 1:(速度文章获取文章大意)题型设置:选择题 Task1 : Fast reading : Read the passage quickly and silently. try to find out the main idea. The passage is mainly about ______. A. some protection of wildlife B. a journey of a flying carpet C. Daisy’s wonderful experience with some animals Task 2:填表格 Read the passage again and fill in the table Fill in the table below about Daisy’s journey ? Animals she met Places she went First visit ? ? Second visit ? ? Third visit ? 设计意图:训练学生速读文章的能力,提高学生概括文章大意,获取有用信息的能力。题型设计以选择,填空形式降低难度,符合学生实际水平。 II: Careful Reading (详读) 把文章分成三大部分,各部任务设置以选择,判断正误,回答问题,填空等为主。 Task2:careful-reading Para 1: the antelope –Tibet T\F 1. Daisy traveled by a flying carpet.______ 2. Daisy saw many antelopes in Tibet._______ Q1.How does the antelope feel ?______ A. Happy B. Sad C. Hopeful Q2.What situation(情况)is it in now?___ They are in danger of dying out. They are in safety and happy. They have already died out. Q3.Why do p


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