Double Layer Capacitor Michigan State University双层电容密歇根州立大学.pptVIP

Double Layer Capacitor Michigan State University双层电容密歇根州立大学.ppt

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Carbon Aerogel Composed of nanometer sized particles covalently bonded together High porosity (50% under 100 nm) Large surface area (400–1000 m2/g) Questions? Double Layer Electrolytic Capacitors Design Team 10 Technical Lecture ECE_480_FS08 Overview History of Capacitors Electrolytic Capacitors History of Supercapacitors Double Layer Electrolytic Capacitor Battery vs. Supercapacitor Application of Supercapacitors History of Capacitors In 1740, Ewald Georg von Kleist constructed the first capacitor. In the same year Pieter von Musschenboek invented the Leyden Jar. Ben Franklin soon found out a flat piece of glass can be used in place of the jar model Electrolytic Capacitors Two parallel plates with dielectric in between Capacitance limited by flat surface area and dielectric properties C is the capacitance A is the area εr is the relative static permittivity (dielectric constant) εo is the permittivity of free space (8.854x10-12 F/m) d is distance History of Super Capacitors The Electric Double Layer Capacitor effect was first noticed in 1957 by General Electric. Standard Oil of Ohio re-discovered this effect in 1966. Standard Oil of Ohio gave the licensing to NEC, which in 1978 marketed the product as a “supercapacitor”. - Aerogel is a low-density solid derived from gel that has had the liquid component replaced with a gas. Activated Carbon: Extremely porous with a very large surface area. Surface resembles a sponge. Area allows more electrons to be stored than other conductors. Activated Carbon ( Activated Charcoal ) Double Layer Electrolytic Capacitors Using Activated Carbon Two layers consisting of nanoporous electrodes Separator is impregnated with an organic electrolyte Thin separator can only withstand low voltages Carbon Nanotubes Approximately 1/50,000th the width of a human hair Strongest and stiffest material on earth (300 X Steal) Low density Semiconductor Under development at MIT Replaces activated ch


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