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Your parents are considering a 20-year $100,000 mortgage that charges 1% interest each month. If the mortgage(loan) is to be paid off after 360 payments,what is then monthly payments p? Hint: If an represents the amount owed after n months, what are a0 and a360? Experiment by building numerical solutions to find a value of p that works. for p = 500:0.01:2000 a = 100000 * 1.01 - p; for i = 2:360 a = 1.01 * a - p; end if a 10 break end end p p = 1.0286e+003 Read the courseware on the battle of Trafalgar in 1805. Formulate a system of difference equations to model the number of ships possessed by each force. Assume the French-Spanish start with 33 ships and the British start with 27 ships and each side lost 10% of the number of ships of the opposing force. An alternative strategy for overcoming a superior force is to increase the technology employed by the inferior force. Suppose that the British ships were equipped with superior weaponry, and that the French-Spanish suffered losses equal to 15% of the number of ships of the opposing force, whereas the British suffered casualties equal to 5% of the opposing force. Build a numerical solution to determine who wins under new assumption in a head-on engagement. Build a numerical solution for the three battles employing Nelson’s divide-and-conquer strategy coupled with the superior weaponry of the British ships. (a) F = ones(1, 20); B = ones(1, 20); F(1) = 33; B(1) = 27; for k = 2:20 F(k) = F(k-1) - 0.1*B(k-1); B(k) = B(k-1) - 0.1*F(k-1); if B(k) 1 || F(k) 1 break end end n = 0:k-1; plot(n, F(n+1), -+); hold on plot(n, B(n+1), -x); grid on xlabel(time); ylabel(number); (b) F = 33; B = 27; n = 0; plot(n, F, *); hold on plot(n, B, +); grid on while F = 1 B = 1 F = F - 0.15*B; B = B - 0.05*(F + 0.15*B); n = n + 1; plot(n, F, *); plot(n, B, +); end hold off xlabel(time); ylabel(number); (c) F(1) = 13; B(1) = 23; for k = 2:20 F(k)


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