simile and metaphor专用课件.ppt

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Definition Of Simile Parts The expression method is: a is like b. It is said that ontology is like metaphors. Usually, it contains three parts: the ontology/subject/tenor (本体), metaphors/reference/vehicle (喻体) and the metaphor words/indicator of resemblance/simile marker (比喻词). It can be clearly seen in terms of parable word like “such as, if...”, “such as though, if…” or “like…”, “as if”, “as though” ,“as…as” ,“as it were” Examples Army and people are as inseparable as fish and water. 军队和人民像鱼水一样不可分离. Soldiers like the country’s steel wall, guarding the frontier of frontier 战士就像国家的钢铁长城一样,守卫祖国的边疆 在英语中,也有很多习语也属于明喻 As busy as a bee (极为忙碌) As cross as a bear(怒气冲冲) Like the bolt from the blue(晴天霹雳) To follow like sheep(盲从) To spring up like mushrooms(雨后春笋) 英语中有时也用所有格(The Genitive)表示比喻 When I was your age ,I used to get up early in the morning, doing some physical exercises outdoors. 有些复合词(some compound words)也有比喻之意,最常见的就是加---like 表示“像……” Childlike(像孩子般的) dreamlike(像梦一般的) Snow-white(像雪般白的) paper-thin(纸一般薄的) 注意: 习语:固定的,严肃的 注意英汉表达上的不同,文化上的差异。 As---as 句型:(喻体相同) As black as coal As cunning as a fox As light as a feather As hard as a stone As handsome as a paint As graceful as a swan As cold as an ice As rich as a Jew 富比犹太人 As poor as a church mouse 一贫如洗 As plentiful as blackberries多如牛毛 as cool as cucumber 泰然自若 as stubborn as a mule犟得像牛 as drunk as a rat烂醉如泥 as stupid as a goose 愚蠢如猪 as soft as butter 像黄油一样软 as black as a cow 黑如乌鸦 as proud as a peacock 傲如孔雀 Four kinds of metaphor 1.judgment type metaphor. Commonly used is, became, become, become, forming judge words to link ontology and metaphors. (判断式暗喻。常用“是、成了、成为、变成、形成”等判断词来联结本体和喻体。) For example: Siheyuan is a box 四合院是一个盒子 Dark clouds, roll over one another all became the sweeping ink landscape 乌云四合,层峦叠嶂都成了水墨山水 3.Comments type metaphor. It is the ontology and metaphors linked with dashes, annotated expressed parable relations. (注释式暗喻。就是本体和喻体用破折号相连,以注释说明的形式表达比喻关系。) Pigeons ha


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