South Koreans fall for all things Chinese专用课件.ppt

South Koreans fall for all things Chinese专用课件.ppt

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South Koreans fall for all things Chinese 爱上, 倾心 Fall for Love, like, care for, have a crush on sb. 所有与中国相关的东西 All things Chinese 世界上的其他地方还存在着对一切美国事物的迷恋情结,这是无可否认的事实, 而好来坞的电影和美国电视连续剧起到了推波助澜的作用. There remains an undeniable fascination in the rest of the world with all things American, nourished by Hollywood films and U.S. television series. (9801CET6) South Koreans fall for all things Chinese TV serial, TV drama, soap opera, host, hostess, anchorman, anchorwoman, talk show, channel, couch potato, be glued to the tube, Hollywood, Romance, comedy, tragedy, documentary, action movies, horror movies, science fiction, thriller, tear jerker, blockbuster, leading role, supporting role, plot, director, producer, production and distribution, dialogue-heavy, dumbed down, A-list actors, all-star cast, South Koreans fall for all things Chinese 恢复外交关系 renew diplomatic ties 结束多年的敌对状态 end years of hostility 给自己增加竞争优势 give oneself an edge / a competitive edge 残酷的就业市场 cutthroat job market Talent market, labor market South Koreans fall for all things Chinese With an eye to joining a public-relations company or marketing firm after graduation, Ms. Hwang recently signed up for a Chinese-language course at a language school in Seoul. 这个年轻人想要在毕业后进入一家合资企业工作,所以在一家培训学校报名参加了英语课程的学习. With an eye to joining a joint venture after graduation, the young man signed up for an English-language course at a tutoring/training school. Similarly: register for a course/program South Koreans fall for all things Chinese 韩国与其共产主义邻国--中国建立外交关系,结束了数十年的敌对状态;10年之后,其文化关系也蓬勃发展起来. [ Ten years ] after establishing diplomatic relations and ending decades of hostility, cultural ties are blooming between South Korea and its communist neighbor, China. [immediately/soon/right/long] after… South Koreans fall for all things Chinese In the long run If you talk about what will happen in the long run, you are saying what you think will happen over a long period of time in the future. 不断升温的关系 Warming ties 起到一种杠杆/平衡


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