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abacus? ?? ?? ? frame with balls for calculating / a, f, d$ d! g. a$ h, v0 Vabjure? ?? ?? ? promise or swear to give up/ ^$ S/ B% W6 {8 S, { abraded? ?? ?? ?rubbed off, worn away by friction 9 F. h# X* m! O1 X6 F+ q7 Kabrasion? ?? ???rubbing, scraping, wearing off 5 Y _3 g( S. L aabrogate? ?? ???repeal or annul by authority/ l; |6 K5 R. o2 C# ~ abundant? ?? ???plentiful 5 C7 S, q, w( }4 M6 Z- D1 ~abut? ?? ?? ?? ?border on % \/ M; X# ]2 G ~abysmal? ?? ?? ?bottomless, extreme : c z8 h. {9 \0 }acclaimed? ?? ? welcomed with shouts and approval ( h. p??U5 Y8 h8 w+ X$ k Maccolade? ?? ???praise, approval ??c( a??A7 o7 k/ M, U: i4 uaccretion? ?? ? the growing of separate things into one ( ^) |/ D% s7 @# j! Pacquisition? ???smth acquired, acquiring3 y2 j9 `/ _6 N, {- X+ V adhere? ?? ?? ? remain faithful, stick fast to0 i8 e* L+ ` Q9 n) H, {??t2 s adhesion? ?? ???adhering, support! y% r% Y2 o P3 c1 a7 A* ^: t adjacent? ?? ???lying near, next 9 x y B T??I hadmonitory? ?? ?containing warning ) C5 l, m) O ]! ~adulteration? ? making unpure, poorer in quality # E D: ?8 U) g9 x v3 @: tagile? ?? ?? ???active, quick-moving0 i1 f??I6 o! L2 Y0 i/ v1 p5 } h ail? ?? ?? ?? ? trouble; be ill $ A6 ^$ {- s6 i2 K. Salacrity? ?? ???eager and cheerful readiness; ~??}* z7 C, ~! n. q allegiance? ?? ?duty, support, loyalty6 u7 o g, Q! \* ]! {9 y( V amalgamate? ?? ?mix, combine, unite societies ! T6 a: V/ b, ?, B( @ ^amendment? ?? ? improving) b: k: C- a. J1 F??Q amplify? ?? ?? ?make large or fuller, increase the strength 6 i* G6 A! B- iannul? ?? ?? ???put an end to??O( y5 y8 [2 d, K. Y! Y antidote? ?? ???medicine used against a poison or a disease# W??s/ n! W T$ A# D o apprehensive? ? grasping, understanding; fear, unhappy feeling about future+ r* S: }+ }$ { apt? ?? ?? ?? ? well-suited, quick-witted1 |7 h ^7 o/ I- I X* r. G) z* b arboreal? ?? ???of connected with trees! I??_??^% m5 d ardently? ?? ???with full of ardour* K s3 ?1 ?0 A# U ardour? ?? ?? ? enthusiasm d2 t7 } M; [, _# a2 harticulate? ?


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