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健康促進 季瑋珠 公共衛生學系/預防醫學研究所 健康的定義 individual: physical, mental, emotional, social, spiritual, societal positive vs. negative 影響健康的因素:生活型態的重要性 LaLonde report: Environment, health care, biology, and life style. 生活形態和疾病 Diseases are preventable by removal of their risk factors. Change of health behavior can prevent disease. Education can change behavior and life style 健康促進觀念的興起 傳統的健康促進: 營養、運動、個人衛生、健康檢查(?)等(公共衛生學上冊) 由健康或衛生教育到健康促進 衛生教育 Downie et al., 1996 Health education is communication activity aimed at enhancing positive health and preventing or diminishing ill-health in individuals and group, through influencing the beliefs, attitudes, and behavior or those with power and of the community at large. Healthy People 1979: smoking, nutrition, alcohol, drug, driving, exercise, sex and pregnancy, family growth, crisis management, stress coping, adaptation, self-esteem enhancement Ottawa international conference, 1986 1. 設立有關健康的公共政策 2. 創造有益健康的環境 3. 強化社區組織和功能 4. 養成個人健康生活型態 5. 修正健康服務方向 The Jakarta Declaration, 1997 1. Health promotion is a valuable investment. 2. Health promotion makes a difference. 3. New responses are needed. (1) Promote social responsibility for health. (2) Increase investments for health development. (3) Consolidate and expand partnerships for health. (4) Increase community capacity and empower the individual. (5) Secure an infrastructure for health promotion. The Jakarta Declaration, 1997 4. Call for action: priorities (1) raising awareness about the changing determinants of health. (2) supporting awareness about the changing determinants of health. (3) mobilization for resources for health promotion. (4) accumulating knowledge on best practice. (5) enabling shared learning. (6) promoting solidarity in action. (7) fostering transparency and public accountability in health promotion. 健康促進的定義 Health promotion is the process of enabling people to increase control over, and to improve their health. The perspective is derived from a conception of “h


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