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Photoshop实例教程创建金属光泽图标 这个教程将教会你如何创建有个性的、金属的、具有光泽的Adobe图标集。 先看看效果图 Step 1: Creating a New Document 第一步:创建一个新文档 We are going to create a new document with a standard resolution of 256px. But because our icon is quite short the height will be smaller. 我们将创建一个256像素标准分辨率的新文档.不过我们的图标高度稍微小一点。 Next, grab the Paint Bucket Tool (G), and fill the document with the following colour #F2F2F2. This is to make viewing easier. 然后,使用油漆桶工具(G),使用#F2F2F2颜色填充文档。这是为了查看更轻松。 Step 2: Setting The Base 第二步:设定基础 Using the Ellipse Tool (U), draw an oval on a new layer as shown above. Let’s name this “Top”. 使用椭圆工具(U)在新层上画一个类似上图的椭圆,取名“TOP”。 Shape layers Using the Shape layers instead of Fill pixels allows you to transform your circle as many times as you want without quality loss. This is great for experimenting. 形状图层 使用形状图层替代填充像素可以让你任意变换你的形状而没有画质损耗。这是非常值得的尝试。 Step 3: Going 3D 第三步:创建3D效果 Select your Move Tool (V). While holding down the alt key, press the down arrow 20 times. This will determine the height of the icon. Now select the past duplicates and Merge (ctrl+E). Arrange that layer below the “Top” layer. Remember that there should be one extra layer named “Top”. We’ll just name this new merged layer “3D” for readability. 选择移动工具(V),按着Alt键,按下箭头键20次。这会让图标有高度的感觉。现在选择刚才所有的复制品层,然后选择融合(Ctrl+E)。将这个层放到”Top”层下面。这里会有多个层都叫“Top”,为了区分我们将新融合的层命名为“3D”。 Step 4: Layer Styles 第四步:图层样式 Now we are going to apply some Layer Styles to the “Top” layer (the non-3D one). You can do this by double clicking on the layer. 现在我们要给“Top”层(没有“3D”的那个)添加一些层样式。你可以双击层打开窗口。 You should end up with this: 最后结果应该类似这样: Step 5: 3D Layer Styles 第五步:3D图层样式 Now select the “3D” layer and apply the following Layer Styles. 现在选择“3D”图层然后添加如下的层样式 Once you are done you should have this: 这次完成后应该是这个样子: Step 6: Creating The Shadow 第六步:创建阴影 Create a new layer below the previous two layers and name it “Shadow”. Get the selection of the “Top”layer by ctrl+clicking on the layer icon. Fill the selection with Black and Deselect (ctr


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