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2004年SCI收录中国农业大学大学教师论文统计 2004年SCI收录中国农业大学教师论文281篇。详细内容如下。 单位 第一作者 通讯作者 影响因子2003 题目 期刊名称 文献类型 语种 动物科技学院 彭玉麟 呙于明 0.445 Effects of feeding xylose on the growth of broilers and nutrient digestibility as well as absorption of xylose in the porial-drained viscera ASIAN-AUSTRALASIAN JOURNAL OF ANIMAL SCIENCES 17 (8): 1123-1130 AUG 2004 Article English 动物科技学院 耿爱莲 呙于明 ?1.253 Reduction of ascites mortality in broilers by coenzyme Q(10) POULTRY SCIENCE 83 (9): 1587-1593 SEP 2004 Article English 动物科技学院 呙于呙于明0.856 Effects of different types of polyunsaturated fatty acids on immune function and PGE(2) synthesis by peripheral blood leukocytes of laying hens ANIMAL FEED SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY 116 (3-4): 249-257 OCT 15 2004 Article English 动物科技学院 程廷水 呙于明0.445 Effects of Salmonella typhymurium lipopolysaccharide challenge on the performance, immune responses and zinc metabolism of laying hens supplemented with two zinc sources ASIAN-AUSTRALASIAN JOURNAL OF ANIMAL SCIENCES 17 (12): 1717-1724 DEC 2004 Article English 动物科技学院 王丽娟 计成 ?0.445 Portal absorption of feed oligo-peptides in chickens ASIAN-AUSTRALASIAN JOURNAL OF ANIMAL SCIENCES 17 (9): 1277-1280 SEP 2004 Article English 动物科技学院 蔡青河 计成 ?1.073 The screening of culture condition and properties of xylanase by white-rot fungus Pleurotus ostreatus PROCESS BIOCHEMISTRY 39 (11): 1561-1566 JUL 30 2004 Article English 动物科技学院 顾宪红 李德发 ?0.856 Effect of dietary crude protein level on villous morphology, immune status and histochemistry parameters of digestive tract in weaning piglets ANIMAL FEED SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY 114 (1-4): 113-126 MAY 3 2004 Article English 动物科技学院 郭亮 李德发 ?0.445 The apparent digestibility of corn by-products for growing-finishing pigs in vivo and in vitro ASIAN-AUSTRALASIAN JOURNAL OF ANIMAL SCIENCES 17 (3): 379-385 MAR 2004 Article English 动物科技学院 宋国隆 李德发 ?1.253 True amino acid availability in Chinese high-oil corn varieties determined in two types of chickens POULTRY SCIENCE 83 (4


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