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Translation for 1994 SECTION A Translate the following into English: 分句翻译:(reference version 2) 人是一个非常复杂的矛盾体。 人(人类:man (not persons, people) 人是一个非常复杂的矛盾体(人是复杂的,充满了矛盾 Man is very complex and full of contradictions. (Or: There is something very complicated and contradictory about human nature.) (It’s not very proper to say: Man is a very complex entity of contradictions.) 为了不受干扰地工作, 常常要逃避世俗的热闹; 不受干扰地工作 work without disturbance 逃避: escape, try to escape 世俗的热闹: worldly bustle and excitement (hustle and bustle指繁忙,但不含热闹之意,故excitement可用。) In order to be able to work without disturbance (being disturbed), he often tries to escape worldly bustle and excitement. 可一旦长期入孤境, 又感到痛苦, 感到难以忍受。 入孤境(生活于孤境: live in loneliness/solitude (seclusion 含隐居之意,不够确切) 感到痛苦, 感到难以忍受:用揉合法,意为:感到难以忍受的痛苦 feel intolerable pain (not very proper to say: feel pain and feel intolerable) However, when he lives in loneliness for a long time, he will feel intolerable pain. 一般情况下, 我喜欢孤独。 一般情况下: on ordinary occasions, in ordinary cases, usually 喜欢: like, enjoy Usually I enjoy loneliness (solitude). (or: In normal circumstances, I prefer to be alone.) 我的最大爱好是沉思默想。 最大爱好 what I like best; my favorite pastime; my favorite (thing) 沉思默想 meditation; contemplation (The version in the book:) Doing contemplation is my favorite. My favorite pastime is meditation. (My favorite thing to do is to indulge myself in meditation.) 我可以一个人长时间地独处而孤独愉快。 长时间地独处 stay by myself for a long time 而孤独愉快(而感到愉快 (心满意足) feel contented (The version in the book:) I can stay alone for a long time with feeling of happiness. I can stay by myself for a long time and yet feel contented. 独享欢乐是一种愉快, 独自忧伤也是一种愉快。 独享欢乐: 宜用名词词组:独享的欢乐 happiness enjoyed by oneself 独自忧伤:同样宜用名词词组 sorrow tasted alone (The version in the book:) It is a pleasure to taste by oneself the happiness as well as sadness. Happiness enjoyed by oneself is a pleasure, and so is sorrow tasted alone. 孤独的时候, 精神不会是一片纯粹的空白, 它仍然是一个丰富多采的世界。 孤独的时候: in


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