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American Culture The Main points 1. The official name 2. The capital 3. The first president 4. The national flag 5. National emblem 徽标 6. National song 7. The fifty states 8. Geography 4. The National flag of America 5. National emblem徽标  oer the ramparts we watchd, were so gallantly streaming? and the rockets red glare, the bombs bursting in air, gave proof thro the night that our flag was still there. O say, does that Star-Spangled Banner yet wave Oer the land of the free and the home of the brave? rampart (城堡等周围宽阔的)防御土墙gallant 英勇 rocket 火箭 glare 强光 proof 证据 on the shore dimly seen thro the mists of the deep, where the foes haughty host in dread silence reposes, what is that which the breeze, oer the towering steep 7. The Fifty States the deepest pool in the park, hence its name, and actually erupted as a geyser间歇泉in 1987,cooking hillside, changed as a result of a number of earthquakes in 1978-1979,200 degrees Fahrenheit ? The Grand Canyon of the Yellowstone National Park Wyoming, USA Crazy Horse Memorial It is in the Black Hills of South Dakota. It is a huge project that is said to be completed in almost one hundred years. 4. The five Great Lakes A. Lying between the boundary of Canada and the United States Lake Michigan (wholly within the United States) Lake Superior (the largest freshwater lake in the world) Lake Erie Lake Huron Lake Ontario Five Lakes 5. Great Salt Lake (largest inland salt lake in North America) 6. Niagara 尼亚加拉大瀑布 Falls: located on the U.S.A. Canadian boundary between Lake Erie and Lake Ontario Climate 1. On the whole: A. Varies from coast to coast B. Temperature from -20 to 25 C. Continental or mild subtropical 2. South southwest: warmer, moist air 3. western: days are hot and nights are cool, dry, little rain 4. northeast: hot in summer, cold in winter, much rain and snow 5. Central plain: hot in summer, cold in winter, much snow 6. 50 cm Rain-fall Line Natural Resources 1. Rich in de


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