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英美文化教材习题答案 Britain 1. Who are the British ? Ⅰ the Scottish Highlanders: They are the Scots who live in the mountain areas of the Highlands in Northern Scotland. They are a proud, independent and hardy people who maintain their strong cultural identity. the British Isles: The British Isles lie northern of Europe in the Atlantic Ocean. They consist of two large islands-Britain and Ireland and several small islands. the National Eisteddfod: Eisteddfod is the Welsh word for “sitting”. National Eisteddfod is the most famous festival of music and verse in Wales. It takes place each August and lasts for about a week. The highlight of the Eisteddfod is a competition for the best epic poem about Wales written and read in Welsh. The winner is crowned Bard, considered the supreme honor in Wales. Bard: “Bard” originally denoted the grouping epic poem to the Celtic leaders or warriors for their great achievement. Now, it roughly means the respected poetry. Northern Ireland (Ulster): A section of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and the Northern Ireland, located in the northeast of the Ireland, the capital of which is Belfast. Oliver Cromwell: Oliver Cromwell was the Roundhead leader during the English Civil War. He defeated King Charles Ⅰ and condemned him to death. The monarchy was overthrown, and the country became for more than ten years a republic. William Ⅲ: the protestant King (参见P10-11) The Orange Day celebrations: celebrations held by Protestants on 12 August each year in North Ireland to commemorate the Battle of the Royne in 1690 when the Protestant King William of Orange crushed a Catholic rebellion in Londonderry. The celebrations were always aggressively provocative and fightings often broke out between Protestant marches and Catholic bystanders. The Provisional IRA: IRA, the Irish Reputation Army, is a nationalist organization dedicated to the unification of Ireland. It was organized in1919. The IRA refused to accept a separate Northern Ireland under British r



