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Smart Bluetooth Watch 1 Products description This is a new fashionable smart bluetooth watch! Compared with the tendency of modern marketing developing, we try effort to catch the marketing opportunity in advance, the larger touch screen phone and higher tech smart design which bring us into the enjoyable entertainment as well as extraordinary feeling, but on the contrary, if the smart phone cause you the burden some times as too big size? Now, our smart bluetooth watch can help you to solve this problem, it will be the best convenient for you when traveling, running, climbing montain and excercising , the mini smart watch can help you receive/dial the phone call easily. The smart bluetooth watch can help you to receive/dial the phone call from Android/Iphone, when you are on travel with hand carry the bags, the phone call is coming,the smart bluetooth watch can control your Android/Iphone mobile in bag, to review the SMS and call reminder, no need to take Android/Iphone out of bags. Especially, the smart bluetooth watch can direct synchronization on smart phone with phonebook,called history,SMS, Music, Email, Facebook, Twitter, Weather, Skype, etc. Pedometer for heath and Anti-Lost features . 2. Product Introduction Watch appearance and functional specification 如果您在旅行,手上提着大包小包,这时候来电话了,没有关系NanoSmart帮您,它可以通过蓝牙连接?Android?iPhone?等智能手机设备,接收来自手机的信息和电话等,控制您的智能机,手上提着大包小包。您就不用从您的口袋拿出您的大手机了。同时NanoSmart还可以帮您同步智能手机上的电话薄、通话记录、短信、Gmail新邮件提示等,这还不算完,您的日历备忘录,重要信息,重要行程,NanoSmart也可以帮您提示,什么才是智能,这才是真的智能 1:Loudspeaker 2:Power On/Off 3:USB port/Earphone port 4:Return button 5:Home button 6:Call button 7:Microphone *RESET button is on the back of the watch, when the watch crashed or can not power on/off, use this button to reset the watch. 3. Menu 3.1 Main interface: weather missed calls Unread messages Note:Sync the Weather and Message need the user’s smart phone have install the APK softwareScan the QR-Code at the end of this user manual). The clock in


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