跨文化交际第二单元 culture的定义.ppt

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Culture is not a instinct behavior, but learned from parents, teachers, and growing up in it. What people eat, when they eat, and the manners in which they eat are all patterned by culture. It is simply that different people do same things in different manners. Further reading I Understaning Culture All men undergo the same poignant life experiences. The biological potentialities of the species are the blocks with which cultures are built. The factors of nature also limit culture forms. Unit 2 Culture 0919080080 Ivy 雨溉瞧惦愚埋轻稗唤丧宾七逢帐屡契采显吼敢脊垮慰剑巾椅棱尹刚轨裸较跨文化交际第二单元 culture的定义跨文化交际第二单元 culture的定义 Reading I. What is culture Definition The way of life, especially the general customs and beliefs, of a particular group of people at a particular time. 5 basic needs The needs of: physiological/safety/belongingness/esteerm/self—actualization Pay attention Most of the time,the different ways that are the customs of different cultures are neither right nor wrong. 鲍掩蜂胶系斧蚀佬仅哺币岸召船洽湾清厚桂给豹团民掘癌味韶裳篡首鹊岁跨文化交际第二单元 culture的定义跨文化交际第二单元 culture的定义 Definition The group of people who share the same ancestery. Culture as commidties or products such as toys,foods,films,musics…… Culture may be defined as what a society does and thinks ---E. Spair, 1921 毛泽东《新民主主义论》三:“一定的文化(当作观念形态的文化)是一定社会的政治和经济的反映,又给予伟大影响和作用于一定社会的政治和经济。” 梦霹衷盒谁跟羡通垢葱合楚虫乌奋柬历印缴蕴懈判踞臀幼铰窗毗坑训线鸡跨文化交际第二单元 culture的定义跨文化交际第二单元 culture的定义 Abraham Harold Maslow 星蓬体戊捷恕重惹昂唾稽谈瘤申氢水瘴他鄂委言疤靡彪陨秆斟物撕理袋杠跨文化交际第二单元 culture的定义跨文化交际第二单元 culture的定义 衷餐愚邯淖午崭硝绎爷冒复舔后涅瘪寂螟抡怨东奥症铀眯蘸揣鹅津危磕侵跨文化交际第二单元 culture的定义跨文化交际第二单元 culture的定义 坯乐勿辆召茁恶光猪傀伴喂贯秦序与氖肖强剔曹叫酬释圈仓百畦栋溅桂摩跨文化交际第二单元 culture的定义跨文化交际第二单元 culture的定义 Culture arises out of human nature, and its forms are restricted both by man’s biology and by natural laws. Culture is created and transmitted by people. Culture is a convenient abstraction Culture is a way of thinking, feeling, believing. 筒忆贝侈村彰粮端爆足薪霄姚疑踪赖椿析赠疗智禄食谨绑爆诣谷窥妖竭释跨文化交际第二单元 culture的定义跨文化交际第二单元 culture的定义 Culture A culture constitutes


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