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超市营业同英语培训内容 营业员英语 Lesson1 Clothing Department服装部 It’s on the next floor up.就在上面一层楼。 How do you like this,ma’am?夫人,这件您 喜欢吗? It’s made of exceptionally good quality,pure wool,very soft.这件衣服质量非常好,纯毛的,非常柔软。 Please come with me to the fitting room.请随我到试衣间。 This is your size,it’s a lovely dress and very smart.这是您的尽寸,这衣服很漂亮,非常时髦。 It’s in fashion now.现在正流行。 Would you like to try it?您要不要试穿一下。 Maybe a little dearer,but the quality is very good.价格可能有点贵,不过质量特别好。 It’s exceptionally good in material and the handicraft.这件衣服的料子质地特别好,做工精细。 We have this model in several sizes and colors,dark brown,light green,light yellow. I think it becomes you.这个款式的衣服我们有好几种尺码和颜色,深我认为非常适合您。 Today,about three out of every four people in the world wear clothing made of cotton.. 今天,全世界大约每四人中有三人穿棉质衣服。 Soft colors clash less frequently than bright colors.鲜艳的颜色比柔和的颜色更容易不和谐。 Dialogue1 A:Can I help you,madam?夫人,您要点什么? B:Yes,may I see these ties?哦,我能看看这些领带吗? A:Certainly,madam.Here’s a nice-looking one.当然可以,夫人。这条挺好看的。 B:Yes,it’s nice.But my friend wants a silk tie with a Chinese pattern. 是的,看起来不错,可我朋友想买有中国图案的丝质量领带。 A:All right.Please come with me this side,madam.行,夫人,请随我到这边来。 B:Theyare beautiful.I’ll take these two.How much?这些很好看,我要两条。多少钱? A:Only twenty yuan each,will there be anything ease ,madam?每条只要20元,您还要别的吗,夫人? B:No,thank you.Here is the money.Oh,could you tell me where the ladies’department is? 不了,谢谢,给你钱。对了,你能告诉我女装部怎么走吗? A:Yes,it is on the next floor up.就在上面一层楼。 (In the ladies department)(在女装部) B:Will you show me some pure silk blouses?可以让我看看纯丝女式衬衫吗? A:Sure.What size do you want?当然,您要多大尺寸的。 B:Large,please.大号。 A:Here is a yellow one and it’s large.这是一件黄色大号的。 B:Good.Can I try it on?好,我可以试穿一下吗? A:Yes,the fitting room is right over there.可以,更衣室在那边。 B:Excuse me.This is too large.Have you got any medium size.对不起,这件太大了,有没有中号的? A:Let me check for you.Yes,we do ,but only in scarlet.Would you like to try it on anyway? 让我帮您找一下,是的,还有,不过只有猩红色的,您要不要试一下? B:No,it’s a little too lou


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