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英汉翻译技巧练习I一、词的翻译: 3. 文化词语的翻译 1. 要坚持“菜蓝子”市长负责制,“米袋子”省长负责制。It is necessary to persist in the system of the city mayor’s responsibility for the “market basket” and that of the provincial governor’s responsibility for the “rice bag”. 2. 火灾事故发生后,厂里所有与事故有干系的工人都推诿扯皮,说错在别人不关自己的事儿。After the accidental fire in the factory, all the workers involved kept passing the buck, saying it was someone else’s fault not theirs. 3. 实行“八七扶贫”攻坚计划。To carry out the plan to assist 80 million people in having sufficient food and clothing within seven years. 4. 这幢乡村小学教学楼建了7年还未完工,是个典型的“半拉子”工程。Although it was started 7 years ago, the teaching building in this country school remains unfinished, a typical never-to-be finished project. 5. 拿到安家费,你就可以如愿给新家买台电脑了。Now that you have the settling-in allowance in hand, you can buy for your new home the computer you’ve always wanted to have. 6. 企业吃国家“大锅饭”,员工吃企业“大锅饭”。The practice of “eating from the same big pot” prevails in the relationship of the enterprise to the state and in that of the workers and staff members to their enterprises. 7. 这两个人现在连话都不说,在大学时他们可是拜把兄弟,是最好的哥们儿。The two young men are hardly on speaking terms, but back in the university, they were sworn brothers, the best friends. 8. 他计划在自己的本命年骑摩托车飞跃黄河。He plans to cross the Yellow River on a motorcycle during the year of his animal sign. 9. 鼻烟壶是中国传统民间工艺品,最早出现在17世纪中期。鼻烟壶的价值不在于其用途,而在于其内画艺术。Snuff bottle is a traditional Chinese folk craftwork, which first appeared in China in the mid-17th century. A snuff bottle is special not because of its practical use but the fact that it’s painted on the inside. 10. 我们要培养出适应社会主义现代化建设需要的一代“四有新人”。We must bring forth a new generation of well-educated and self-disciplined people with lofty ideals and moral integrity, as it is necessary for our socialist modernization drive.11. 已入狱的前市长悔恨地说:“我老婆吹了太多的枕边风给我,我才慢慢开始收取贿赂。”“My wife gave me to much pillow talk to persuade me into taking briberies,” regretted the former mayor who has been put into prison. 12. 24岁的李乔明在狱中离奇死亡,而所谓的他


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