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沈阳盛贸饭店 2013年度全员消防疏散演习预案 为了保持沈阳盛贸饭店的一贯高标准的安全环境,加强饭店员工的消防安全意识,提高饭店员工对火灾事故的应急处理能力,检查员工对消防应急程序掌握的情况。经总经理和酒店管理层同意,决定于2013年10月22日下午,饭店举行全员消防疏散演习,具体事宜安排如下: In order to maintain high standard security environment, and enhance our staffs safety consciousness, and improve staffs handling capacity of fire incident, after got approval from GM and hotel management, we will conduct a fire evacuation drill on the afternoon of 22 Oct, 2013. It require all departments to read the fire emergency plan and conduct the drill according to the emergency procedure. The detail arrangement is as the following: 一、演习场景: Scene of the fire drill 1.时 间:XX 时XX分 Time: TBA 2. 地 点:4F宴会厨房 Site: Banquet kitchen on 4F 3.事件起因:厨房油锅冒烟着火(模拟) Cause: Smoking and be on fire of the oil pot in the kitchen 二、火灾报警:Fire Alarm 1.厨房第一个看到油锅冒烟着火的员工立刻关闭燃气总阀,用灭火毯和灭火器灭火。 The first staff who find the smoke and fire should turn off the master valve if gas, and put out the fire by fire blanket and extinguisher. 2.另一名员工立刻拨打6999电话通报FCC火警信息“4F宴会厨房油锅着火”,并马上启动手动报警按钮进行报警。 Another staff call FCC to inform the fire alarm message through the number 6999, and activate the manual call button to give an alarm. 三、火警信息发布 Fire alarm information distribution FCC操作员收到报警信息后,立即用对讲机通知值班经理和值班工程师、保安主任、PA主管、服务中心接线员“4F宴会厨房油锅着火Code2”,服务中心立即发出手机短信“4F宴会厨房油锅着火Code2”,即Code2成立。 FCC staff pass the fire alarm to DM, DE, Security Supervisor, Service Leader of PA and SC staff after got the alarm information. 四、火灾扑救 Fire Fighting ERT先遣队成员在对讲机中收到“4F宴会厨房油锅着火Code2”的信息后,一边回复“收到,职位及姓名”,一边前往员工电梯间乘坐A消防电梯赶往火警现场ERT组长根据现场实际情况组织ERT先遣队成员断电、断汽,查看现场消防排烟是否正常启动等,同时与FCC操作员及CMT组长保持联系。 ERT member hurry to the fire alarm site by fire lift A after got the alarm message. ERT leader organized members to cut off the Ele and Gas, and check if the fire exhaust system operate as normal, and keep in touch with FCC staff and CMT leader. 火警现场如有人员受伤,应立即派ERT成员帮助其撤离现场(使用担架),并通知CMT成员,现场有人员受伤请尽快联系“120”(前厅部经理负责联系“120”)。 If there is any people


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