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⑷ The two things __ which Marx was not sure were the grammar and some idioms. ⑸ Her bag,____ which she put all her books,has not been found. ⑹ The stories about the Long March, __________ which this is one example,are well written. among/of of in ⑺ The days are gone ________ which we used “foreign oil”. ⑻ Where is the walking stick (手杖) _________ which my grandfather cannot stand up? during without (9) She came into the room, ___ which stood a large table. (10) This is the very book, _______ which I have heard for ten years. in of/about 1.attach vt. vi. 系上;缚上;附加;连接 attach(A)to(B)将A系在/缚在/附在B上 attach to sb./sth.与某人相关联;归于某人 ⑴ 这件事不怪你。 No blame _____________ in this affair. ⑵ 信中附一文件。 There is a document__________________ . 用法:根据汉语意思完成英文句子。 attached to the letter attaches to you form sb./sth.into sth.将……按一定顺序排列 form good habits养成好习惯 in the form of 以……的方式,呈现……的形状 take the form of采取……形式,以…形式出现 2.form v.(使)形成,组成 n. 形式,表格 ⑴ 老师将学生组成三个组。 The teacher _______ the students______ three groups. ⑵ 计划在他脑子里形成。 A plan began to ________________. 用法:根据汉语意思完成英文句子。 form in his mind formed into ⑶ 这两所旧学校将合并组成一所新的大学校。 The two old schools are to combine to _________________________. ⑷ 每种艺术形式都有本身的局限。 _________________ has its limitations. ⑸ 这种培训是以讲座的形式进行的。 The training __________________________. took/takes the form of lectures big new school form one Every form of art rely on/upon sb./sth.(to do sth.)指望或依赖某人/某事物 3.rely vi. 指望或依赖 ⑴ She cannot be relied on______ (tell) the truth. ⑵ You can ___________(相信我) to keep your secret. 运用:根据提示完成句子。 rely on me to tell 4.brief adj.简短的;简洁的n.摘要;任务简介 in brief 简言之,简明扼要地说 to be brief 简单地说,一句话 ⑴ 简单地(对你)说,我们不能接受这样苛刻的条件。 ______________ (with you),we can’t accept such harsh terms. ⑵ 他简短地说了一个‘不’字。 ________he says “No”. 运用:根据汉语意思完成英文句子。 In brief To be brief ⑴ 我梦见我的家乡。 I ______________________________ last night. ⑵ 他年轻时向往成为电影明星。 He ___________________________________ when he was young. ⑶ 我做梦也不会想到伤害你。 I wouldn’t dream of


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