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Unit 1 Half a Day HOY (陈辉) clutch I walked alongside my father, clutching his right hand. 他急忙抓住我们扔给他的绳子。 He clutched the rope we threw to him. 玛丽把洋娃娃抱在怀里(to ones chest)。 Mary was clutching her doll to her chest. 看恐怖片的时候她紧紧地抓着我的胳膊。 She was clutching my arm tightly when watching the thriller. from time to time I turned towards her from time to time,... 自我来到南方学院之后我时不时跟家里打电话。 After I came to Nanfang University, I call home from time to time. ...hoping she would help 我们努力地学习着,希望能够通过专四。 We are working hard, hoping to pass TEM-4. line We walked along a street lined with gardens... 树木成行的路 a road lined with trees 街道两旁都站着人。 The streets were lined with people on both sides. make sth. out of sth. 他想从这群学生中培养出一位杰出的歌手。 He wants to make an excellent singer out of these students. convince I was not convinced. ~ sb (of sth) make sb feel certain; cause sb to realize 使某人确信; 使某人明白: 我怎样才能使你相信呢? How can I convince you her? 她的一番话使我认识到我错了. What she said convinced me that I was mistaken. 我原来真以为看见你在那里, 一定是看错了人. I was convinced I saw you there, but it must have been someone else. tear sb. away from I did not believe there was really any good to be had in tearing me away from my home .... 把孩子从母亲怀抱中夺走了. The child was torn from its mothers arms. 你别舍不得离开电视了,出去散散步吧。 Do tear yourself away from the television and come out for a walk. cling to cling clung clung 紧抓住木筏(raft)的生还者 survivors clinging to a raft 他们告别时, 紧紧地拥抱在一起. They clung to each other/clung together as they said goodbye. 舍不得放弃爱情 cling to ones love come into view 当你走进南方学院时,一尊孙中山的铜像(Bronze statue)就会出现在眼前。 When you go into Nanfang University, a bronze statue of Sun Yat-sen will come into view. 据说半夜在镜子前梳头就会有可怕的东西出现。 Its said that something horrible will come into view if combing hair in front of a mirror at midnight. burst into tears 男孩们突然笑了出来。 The boys burst into laughter. 他家突然唱起了歌。 His family burst into song. 车突然起了火。 The car burst into fire/flame(s). 观众突然爆发了掌声(applause)。 The audience burst into applause. burst ou


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