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Effective Segmentation Measurable (可衡量的) Substantial (足量的) Accessible (可接近的) Differentiable (可區別的) Actionable (可實踐的) Segmentation, Targeting, and Positioning The Three Major Steps in Target Marketing Bases for Segmenting Consumer Market Geographic Segmentation Demographic Segmentation Psychographic Segmentation Behavioral Segmentation Geographic Segmentation Localize 4P to fit the needs of individual regions Starbucks, Home Depot, and Wal-Mart KFC in Japan: mash potatoes, fried fish and smoked chicken. McDonald’s in Taiwan – 米堡 南部:搏感情、俗擱大碗;北部:愛嚐鮮、趕時髦。 World region or country, country region, city or metro size, density, or climate Cultivate as-yet untapped geographic territory, e.g. Hampton Inns, IS Coffee → 科學園區廠商. Geographic Segmentation 康師傅 麗嬰房 中國市場太廣闊,人文、消費習性、所得差異非常大,南北溫差甚至達數十度,換季時間有大幅度差別。 將中國市場劃分成華東、華南、華中、華北、西南和東北六個區域,以反應這些區域對童裝顏色、款式、質料的偏好差異。 捷安特 大陸 → 民生必需品(耐久財)→ 少樣多量 歐美 → 運動休閒品(消費財)→ 多樣少量 Case: 拉昆特旅館 目標顧客:小生意人。 經營概念:高品質(跟Holiday Inn一樣好),中價位(約便宜3成) 大部分旅館和汽車旅館的餐廳都賠錢且囊括95%客戶投訴。 不設置餐廳、廚房、結婚禮堂和會議室。 規劃較小空間的會客大廳。 位置:深入商業區,或政府機關、醫院及工商綜合區附近。 Local Marketing The marketing programs are tailored to the needs and wants of local customer groups. Local marketing is particularly important in countries with strong regional differences, e.g. China. Drawbacks Reduce economics of scale Logistical problems Dilute a brand’s overall image, e.g. Matsushita (松下). Case: 紐西蘭奇異果 ZESPRI 全球市佔率:28%。 將巨無霸奇異果輸往日本,而將一般大小的奇異果則輸往歐洲。因為日本人喜歡大粒、外觀漂亮、吃起來過癮的奇異果。 黃金奇異果:在日本以「甜」為訴求,在台灣則以「營養」為訴求。 Interesting Local Marketing Demographic Segmentation Age and life-cycle stage Gender Income Race Occupation Education Religion Nationality Social class Demographic Segmentation – Age and Life-Cycle Consumer needs and wants change with age 小善存($590)、善存($450)、銀寶善存($525) Companies marketing to mature consumers usually employ positive images and appeals, e.g. Olay ProVital. Generation, e.g. Generation X, 90後. Age is often a poor predictor of a person’s life cycle. Life stage, e.g. marriage, the first child, or the


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