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成立年份 Year of Establishment : 2000 會員人數 Membership : 5060 腎友聯 Alliance for Renal Patients Mutual Help Association 背景 Background 腎友聯是由全港十個腎病病人互助會於2000年所組成,包括紅豆會、康寧腎友會、屯門醫院腎誼會、腎之友、腎康會、腎友互助協會、東華腎友互助會、廣華腎科病人互助會、伊利沙伯醫院腎友互助會、東區尤德夫人那打素醫院腎友自助小組。 Ten renal patients self-help groups set up Alliance for Renal Patients Mutual Help Association in 2000, including Kidney Bean, Hong Ling Renal Club, Kidney Patients’ Association – Tuen Mun Hospital, Renal Companion Association, Kidney Rehabilitation Society, Renal Mutual Help Association, Mutual Support Society for Tung Wah Renal Patients, Kwong Wah Hospital Renal Patients Support Group, QEH Renal Support Group, PYNEH Renal Self Help Group. 宗旨及目標 Aims and Objectives 宗旨為加強各腎友會之間的溝通及聯繫,團結力量向政府反映腎病患者的需要,發揮互助精神,爭取病人權益。目標為: 推廣器官捐贈 推廣病人組織之需要及腎病常識 關注腎病病人福利及政策 關注腎病病人醫療服務 Aiming at enhancing the communication and connection of renal patients’ group, and reflecting the needs of renal patients to the government. The objectives are : to promote organ donation to publicize the need of self-help patients group and knowledge of renal diseases to concern the welfare and policies for renal patients to concern the medical services for renal patients 服務對象 Service Target 腎病病患者 Renal patients 服務 Service 熱線電話、期刊 Hotline and periodical magazine 電話 Tel : 8100 0821 傳真 Fax : 2336 9794 電郵 Email : arpmha@.hk 網址 Website : .hk 地址 Address : 九龍橫頭磡邨宏禮樓地下﹙社區復康網絡﹚ G/F, Wang Lai House, Wang Tau Hom Estate, Kowloon (Community Rehabilitation Network) 成立年份 Year of Establishment : 1995 會員人數 Membership : 220 B27 協進會 B27 Association 背景 Background B27協進會是由一羣患有強直性脊椎炎的病友合力組織起來,在1995年成立的自助互助團體。 B27 Association is a self help group established in 1995 by a group of Ankylosing Spondylitis patients. 宗旨及目標 Aims and Objectives 以同路人的身份去關懷及支援患有強直性脊椎炎的病友,並促進公眾人士認識及關注此病症。目標為: 舉辦活動,團結病友彼此關懷,互相支持 加強資訊交流,傳達治療病症之正確訊息 促進及鼓勵對強直性脊椎炎的科學研究 Providing peer concern and support to patients with Ankylosing Spondylitis and promoting public awareness of the disease.



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