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一直对人体骨骼感兴趣,但总是找不全所有骨头的英文名称。近日在维基百科上Human Skeleton条目下,链接到list of bones of the human skeleton,终于一尝夙愿。于是,立马与中文名称进行匹配,仔细把玩了一番,甚是欣慰。许多词汇来源于希腊、拉丁,这是不言而喻的。个别词汇没有找到固有的中文名称,是根据原文词义直接翻译的。
Bones 骨骼
Cranial?(8)脑颅部cranium头盖骨?-crani- (头颅)
? frontal bone?额骨
? parietal bone?(2) 顶骨
? temporal bone?(2) 颞骨
? occipital bone?枕骨
? sphenoid bone?蝶骨
? ethmoid bone?筛骨
facial bones (14):mnemonic device:Virgil Can Not Make My Pet Zebra Laugh。Vomer,conchae,nasal etc。面颅部(记忆口诀,这是我从另一处搬来的)
? mandible?下颌骨
? maxilla?(2) 上颌骨
? palatine bone?(2) 颚骨
? zygomatic bone?(2) 颧骨
? nasal bone?(2) 鼻骨
? lacrimal bone?(2) 泪骨
? inferior nasal conchae?(2) 鼻下甲
? vomer?犁骨
In the?middle ears?(6):中耳部
? malleus?(2) 锤骨
? incus?(2) 砧骨
? stapes?(2) 镫骨
In the?throat?(1):喉部
? hyoid bone?舌骨
In the?shoulder?girdle (4):肩部
? scapula?or shoulder blade (2) 肩胛骨
? clavicle?or collarbone (2) 锁骨
In the?thorax?(25):胸部
? sternum?or breastbone, comprising the?body of sternum?(gladiolus),manubrium, and?xiphoid process?(1) 胸骨(胸骨体,胸骨柄,剑突)
? ribs?(2 x 12) 肋骨
In the?vertebral column?(24):脊柱部
? cervical vertebrae?(7) 颈椎 C
? thoracic vertebrae?(12) 胸椎 T
? lumbar vertebrae?(5) 腰椎 L
In the?arms?(2):手臂部
? Humerus?(2) 肱骨
In the?forearms?(4):前臂部
? radius?(2) 桡骨
? ulna?(2) 尺骨
In the?hands?excluding?sesamoid bones?(54):手部(不含籽骨)
? Carpal?(wrist) bones: 腕骨
? scaphoid bone?(2) 手舟骨
? lunate bone?(2) 月骨
? triquetrum bone?(2) 三角骨
? pisiform bone?(2) 豌豆骨
? trapezium?(2) 大多角骨
? trapezoid bone?(2) 小多角骨
? capitate bone?(2) 头状骨
? hamate bone?(2) 钩骨
Metacarpus?(palm) bones:掌骨
? metacarpal bones?(5 × 2) 掌骨
? Digits of the hands (finger bones or phalanges): 指骨
? proximal phalanges?(5 × 2) 近节指骨
? intermediate phalanges?(4 × 2)中节
? distal phalanges?(5 × 2) 末节
In the?pelvis?(4):骨盆部
? sacrum?[1] 骶骨
? coccyx?or tailbone [1] 尾骨
? os coxae?or hipbone, comprising the fused?ilium,?ischium, and?pubis(2) 髋骨(含髂骨、坐骨、耻骨)
In the?thighs?(2):大腿部
? femur?(2) 股骨
In the?legs?(6):小腿部
? patella?(2) 髌骨 ?kneecap 膝盖骨
? tibia?(2) 胫骨
? fibula?(2) 腓骨
In the feet exclu