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100WAYS TO SAY “VERY GOOD” 1. All right! 2. Exactly!完全正确! 3. Right on!正确!    4. Congratulations! 5. Couldnt have done it better myself!你做得比我好多了!    6. Excellent!太好了!棒极了!    7. Extraordinary!棒极了!    8. Fantastic!真了不起!棒极了!    9. Good for you!你真行!    10. Good ,(name of the student)! 11.Thats what I call a fine job! 12.Good work! 13.Youre doing a good job! 14. Good remembering!好记性! 15.You remembered!你竟然还记得!你的记性真好!    16. Good thinking!好思路!好想法!    17. Keep it up!坚持到底!保持下去!    18. Keep on trying! 继续试!继续做! 19.Keep up the good work.再接再厉! 20.keep working on it, you are getting better.继续做,你在进步!    21. Marvelous!妙极了!棒极了!    22. Outstanding!真是与众不同! 很出色! 23. Perfect!绝了!美极了!真地道!    24. Remarkable!与众不同!特棒!    25. Sensational!漂亮极了!太美了!    26. Splendid!棒极了!    27. Super!非常好!    28. Terrific!真不错!    29.Fantastic!太不可思议了! 30. Thats good!真棒! 31.Thats better! 32.Thats very much better! 33.Thats the best ever! That’s better than ever.那再好不过! 34.Thats the best youve ever done!这是你做得最好的一次。    35.You set a good example. 36. Thats great! 37. Great! 38. Thats it!正是!/ 39. Thats right!好!行!对!    40. Not bad!不错! 41. Not too bad!还可以!    42. Thats a good girl/boy!真是个好孩子!    43. Thats really nice!挺好的! 44. Thats coming along nicely!真棒! 45. Nice! You’re so clever! 46. Good going!真好!    47. Tremendous!太了不起了!    48. Well done! Fine!做得好!    49. Wonderful!妙极了!    50. Superb! 51. Wow!哇!真了不起!    52. I knew you could do it!我知道你能行!    53. Im very proud of you! 54. Im proud of the way you worked today! 55. I think youve got it now.我想你现在明白了。    56. Ive never seen anyone do it better!我从未看到有人做得这么好!    57. Nothing can stop you now!现在什么也难不倒你了!    58. Now youve figured it out! 59. Now you have the hang of it! 60. You’re really going to town. 61. .Now you have it! 62. That kind of work makes me very happy! 63. That’s the way! 64. That’s going! 65. I’m happy to see you working like that. 66. Thats the way to do it!这样做就对了!    67. Thats quite an improvement!这进步不小啊!    68. Way to


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