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鄂教版小学英语四年级上册 Module B Places and activities Unit 3 Fun in the park 第一课时 湖北省仙桃市汉江小学 段菲菲 教学材料 教学设计 备课教师 段菲菲 备课内容 鄂教版 四下Unit 3 Fun in the park Period 1 Topic话题 Fun in the ark 日期Date 2015.10 课型Type 听说课 教学目标 1.能运用动词的-ing形式描述正在发生的动作。 2.能初步感知,理解现在进行时态。 3.能在教师创设的情境中,在图片和动作的提示下理解及表达句子。 教学重难点 1.学习有关-ing形式的动词短语: throwing a ball , catching the ball , eating an ice-cream , flying a kite , having a drink , playing on the slide , playing on the swing , standing on his head , singing , running. 2.学习现在进行时的结构: Sandy is eating an ice-cream. / Two men are running. 突破难点方法 TPR,chant学习操练,游戏巩固;归纳词组,有序学习;联系生活,创设情境拓展应用。 学情分析 学生在三上学习了一些有动词短语,四年级小学生有爱动,注意力不集中的特点。 教学媒体说明 1.课件贯穿整个课堂教学活动。 2.畅言软件辅助教学。 教学过程 教师活动 学生活动 设计意图与修改备注 (Warm-up Revision) 1.?Greeting T: I’m Miss Duan. Hello, everyone! 2. Divide the class into 6 groups. 3. Before our new lesson, we’ll have a word competition, if you can say them well, you can get a picture for your group as a prize. Ok, Are you ready? 4. Let’s do and say! 课件出示动词短语图片 T: No.1 sing , sing (TPR) … Let’s do and say together again. 1. Ss: Hello, Miss Duan ! 3.学生看图片,说动词或动词短语。说对同学获得一张照片。 1.TPR复习动词短语,为今天动作学习做铺垫,以旧带新。 Presentation Practice 一.(1)T: Good kids, you can do them well. I can take photos well. Now, look at my photo, please. 课件出示Part A 情境图 T: Where are they? They are on the farm? Ss: No. They are in the garden? Ss: No. T: Oh, they are in the 课件出示park 教师不读出来, 通过farm, garden中ar的读音让学生试读park. (2)T: How many people are there in the park? Let’s have a look! 先数一数,One, two…oh, 12. Who are they? Let’s find them. 学生边说人名,教师边将人名图卡贴黑板上。 (3)T: Oh! They are having fun in the park. Today, we’ll learn unit 3 Fun in the park. 黑板上贴课题 教读课题,Fun in the park 一.(1)根据farm, garden的发音推测出park的发音。 S1, S2,Group1, SS… (2)学生复习人名,学习人名中的新词: men, grandpa. S1.S2…, G1,G2… (3) 跟读课题 Fun in the park Ss together 一.(1)让学生通过已学单词,感知ar组合的发音,轻松学习park, 理解意义,了解本次课的主题。 (2)让学生整体感知情境,为学生理清学习内容顺序,以人物为线,逐步学习新知。 (3)让学生了解本节课话题、功能与结构,即学习目标。 T:Fun in the park. Why? What are they doing? Let’


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