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《货币银行学》课程中英文简介 Money and Banking 课程代码:Course Code:110012A/110012B/110013A/110013B 110012A/110012B/110013A/110013B 课程名称:货币银行学Course Name:Money and Banking 学 时:48 Periods:48 学 分:3 Credits:3 考核方式:Assessment: 先修课程:Preparatory Courses:None 货币银行学是金融学、会计学、财务管理学等财金类专业学生的专业基础必修课。通过本门课程的学习使学生能够较系统的了解和掌握货币、信用、银行、金融市场、金融宏观调控的基本概念和基本理论,基本掌握货币和金融体系的运行机制以及金融运行与经济运行相互关系,能利用有关知识独立分析和解决当前国际和国内货币银行方面出现的新问题、新政策和发展动向,提高对经济和金融规律的认识能力和把握能力,为进一步学习其他专业知识奠定必要基础。本课程主要内容包括:货币、货币制度、信用、利息与利率、金融市场与金融机构体系、商业银行、中央银行、货币供求理论、通货膨胀等内容。本课程需要有一定的政治经济学、西方经济学和基础会计学的理论基础。 Money and Banking is a basic required course for financial majors specialized in finance, accounting, and financial management. Through the studying of this course, students can systematically understand and master the basic concepts and essential theories of money, credit, banking, financial market and financial macro-control, master the operation mechanism of the system of money and finance, and the relationship of finance and economy. In addition, this course can help students to use relevant knowledge to analyze and solve the new problems, new policies and new trends in the current international and domestic finance fields which provides the students a good basis to study other courses. This course includes: money and monetary institution, credit, interest and interest rate, financial market and financial system, commercial banks, central banks, money demand and supply theories, inflation, and so on. It requires students to have the basic knowledge of political economics, economics and essential accounting. 《保险法与保险监管》课程中英文简介 Insurance Law Insurance Supervision 课程代码:110023A Course Code:110023A 课程名称:保险法与保险监管Course Name:Insurance Law Insurance Supervision 学 时:48Periods:48 学 分:3Credits:3 考核方式:考试Assessment:Examination 先修课程:保险学原理Preparatory Courses:Principles of Insurance财产保险Property Insurance 人身保险、海上保险Life Insurance, Marine Insurance 责任与信用保险Liability Credit Insurance 再保险、保险经济学Reinsurance, Insurance Economics 保险产品通常仅表现为一纸保



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