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电 子 科 技 大 学 UNIVERSITY OF ELECTRONIC SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY OF CHINA 工程硕士学位论文 ENGINEERING MASTER DISSERTATION 论 文 题 目:堆场存储管理系统的设计与实现 工 程 领 域: 软件工程 指 导 教 师: 作 者 姓 名: 汪锐 班 学 号: 摘 要 随着全球经济的飞速发展,作为物流行业的重要组成部分堆场在世界各国不断发展和创新的过程中其经营管理模式在过去的15年中发生了巨大的变化,在各类货物运输刚刚开始萌芽的起初,货物堆场不过是各类运输公司,车辆和设备维修保养公司和货物存储场地的混合体,事故不断,效率很低。在没有引入信息化管理之前堆场作为各类货物的存储场所往往会出现空间利用率低,保养费用高,货物清点过程复杂,查找困难等各种障碍。 本系统就是在上述的环境下应运而生的,本系统主要功能分为基本信息维护、矿种信息维护、货主信息维护、作业数据维护、查询打印、系统维护等几大功能。通过实施以上功能模块达到堆存信息的及时反映以及提高堆存信息的准确率等作用同时系统具备强大的绘图和检索功能能够实现堆场平面示意图管理的电子化、简单化。 本文利用工作流管理系统,通过管理工作活动序列,调用与各种活动步骤相关的人员、IT资源,对业务过程进行自动化处理。对系统做出了这样一种解决方案:智能流转,宏观和微观有机结合,事务处理和公文处理有机结合,能够适应最复杂的应用,而且扩展能力无限。 关键词:堆场,堆存管理系统,工作流 ABSTRACT With the rapid development of economic in the world, the mode of operating management of depot which act the important component of logistics industry has brought a great change in the past 15 years during persistence development and innovative of the countries. At the beginning of all kinds cargo transportation, the depot was only the various mixture of transport companies, vehicle and equipment maintenance and cargo storage, there’s much accidents and inefficient. Before using the information system, the depot which as a store for kinds of goods happened some handicap, low utilization ratio, high maintain freight, checking was complex, searching was difficult etc. The system is in the environment came into being, the main function of the system is divided into basic information maintenance, minerals information maintenance, the owner information maintenance, operation data maintenance, query printing, maintenance, and other major functions. Functional modules through the implementation of the above information in a timely manner to reflect the stockpiling and stockpiling of information to improve the accuracy and so on. At



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