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编号:139390241196 本 科 学 年 论 文 题 目: 浅谈服务意识与服务质量分析 学 院: 旅游与航空服务学院 专 业: 空中乘务 年  级: 13级空乘4班                       姓 名: 指导教师: 完成日期: 2015年7月7日 摘 要 民航业是国民经济发展的基础产业,与旅游、商贸、物流等行业联系紧密。在大力发展第三产业的今天,它无疑有着强烈的市场吸引力。随着我国经济的发展和人民生活水平的提高,人们社会交往的频率也在不断增加,由此对交通运输的选择也越来越重视,对航空运输的需求日益增加。我国民航业的发展呈现出史无前例突飞猛进的巨大潜力,人们对民航服务水平的要求也越来越高。因此航空公司之间服务的竞争愈演愈烈。如何让民航服务这个举足轻重的软件实力在竞争中不断提高为航空公司带来巨大的经济效益使得其竞争立于不败之地并且让航空公司不断壮大就成了一个非常棘手并且有待研究的问题。如何有效提高民航人员的服务意识和打造高品质的服务质量并且使其在客舱服务中完美实施与应用就显得尤为重要。本文通过多方面阐述了服务意识和服务质量对民航客舱服务的重要性,提出了如何提高服务意识和服务质量的方法。 关键词:空乘人员;基本素质;服务意识 Abstract Civil aviation industry is the basic industry of national economic development, and it is closely related to tourism, trade, logistics and other industries. In the development of the third industry today, it will undoubtedly have a strong market appeal. With the improvement of Chinas economic development and peoples living standard, peoples social association frequency also increased, thus to the choice of transportation pay more and more attention, the demand for air transport increases day by day. The development of civil aviation industry in our country is developing rapidly, and the requirement of civil aviation service level is higher and higher. So the competition between airlines service has become more and more fierce. How to make civil service is the important strength of the software in the competition will continue to improve for the airline to bring huge economic benefits makes the competition in an invincible position and let Airlines growing is a very difficult and needs further study. How to improve the service awareness of civil aviation personnel and create high quality service quality and make it perfect in the


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