九江市市容执法局用车管理系统的设计与实现 .docVIP

九江市市容执法局用车管理系统的设计与实现 .doc

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九江市市容执法局用车管理系统的设计与实现 .doc

JIU JIANG UNIVERSITY 毕 业 论 文 题 目 九江市市容执法局用车管理系统的 设计与实现 英文题目 Jiujiang City Law Enforcement Bureau Vehicle Management System Design And Implementation 院 系 信息科学与技术学院 专 业 计算机科学与技术 姓 名 刘海州 班级学号 A081123 指导教师 魏泽臻 二○一二年五月 摘 要关键词数据库管理 Abstract Along with the Internet technology to broadband, high speed, multimedia development, with its more humane way of promoting the management system and the application of artificial intelligence direction rapid progress. In our daily life .the rapid development of the network gave us a lot of convenience, at the same time the information system is also becoming more and more important in our life. If web shopping system, teachers performance management system offered us a lot of convenience. In our state-owned units, vehicle management system has become an essential part. Complete system using .Net language for the design of the frame structure design, system interface and the module of distribution, designed by the vehicle management module, user management module, management module, application module unit of vehicles, maintenance module, news management module and driver management module, using SQL Server database design, first to the user table for the design, user name, password and Design Department of information; then the Department table, table, index table, the vehicle driver table, table, maintenance table design, the entire system design. Vehicle management standardization is our country various areas commonly faced problems, also be taken seriously generally, in the bus equipped with and management needed to establish a sound management system, strengthen the management on the bus. In view of the fact that Jiujiang did not improve the vehicle management system, to facilitate the through teachers guid



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