english movies’ significance and application in middle school english teaching论文 定稿.doc

english movies’ significance and application in middle school english teaching论文 定稿.doc

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english movies’ significance and application in middle school english teaching论文 定稿.doc

毕业论文(设计) 题 目 English movies’ significance and application in middle school teaching 业 语 部 外国语学院 学 号 名 XXX讲师 答辩时间 二○一二年四月 论文工作时间:2011年09月至2012年04月 英语原版电影在中学英语教学中的作用及应用 摘要中学生学习英语缺少积极性和主动性,教师的教学方法过于拘谨及严这样是学生学习英语的兴趣不浓,使教学达不到新课标的要求。本文通过论述了英语电影对英语教育的积极作用,如何在课堂上运用英语原版电影,教师在这样教学模式下的角色。从而提高课堂教学效率,让学生在愉快和轻松地氛围里学习英语,爱上英语,最后达到新英语课程标准的要求。 关键词:电影;角色;英语;兴趣 English Movies’ Significance and Application in Middle School English Teaching Abstract: Students learning of English is lack of enthusiasm and initiative, and the teachers teaching methods are too stiff and serious, which make students’ interest in learning English weak. In this situation, we can not meet the requirements of the new course standard of teaching. This thesis discusses the English films positive role in English education, how to use original films in the English teaching, teachers’ role in this new teaching mode. So as to improve classroom teaching efficiently for students learning English in a pleasant and relaxed atmosphere, make the students fall in love with English, and finally meet the requirements of the new English curriculum standard. Key Words: movie; role; English; interest Contents 1. Introduction 1 1.1 Aims; Current Significance and Researches 1 1.2 Main ideas 2 1.3Current state of English learning for the students in the secondery school 2 1.4Definition of film 3 2. English original movies roles 3 2.1 Stimulating students interest in English 3 2.2 Developing learners intercultural communicative competence 3 2.3 Improving hearing and speaking ability 3 3. Film selections in English teaching 3 3.1 Good dialogue and standard pronunciation 4 3.2 Suitable length and positive content 4 3.3 Best recent international award-winning films 5 4. Ways of watching films in English teaching 5 4.1 Introducing the films plot; historical background and charactors 5 4.2 Watching TV in three steps 6 5. Activities of films in


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