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( 二 〇 〇 八 年 六 月 摘 要 公文流转系统是办公自动化系统的核心,在公文流转系统中工作流的基础上,对目前国内外公文流转用到的相关技术进行了总结,最后对公文流转的发展方向进行了展望。 公文流转是OA的核心,也是实现无纸办公的重要标志。政府和企事业单位正在积极采用办公自动化系统提高办公效率。公文流转子系统作为所有OA的公共构件,它利用计算机网络的高速迅捷和计算机控制的严格准确性实现公文的处理,对目前传统公文处理而言,很大程度上提高了公文处理的效率和准确性。 本文主要讲述了一个基于工作流的公文流转的系统的分析与实现。本系统基于B/S,使用J2EE中的多种规范和Struts编写、后台数据库为Oracle9i。从软件的需求分析阶段到具体的编码实现阶段,本文都做了详细的介绍。本文中所设计的公文流转系统,主要有两个大的模块组成:一是会员模块,会员通过前台系统查看自己的相关的信息,选定文件处理的工作流程。另一个是管理员后台管理模块,管理员登录到本系统后,即可对本系统进行管理,包括工作流程的设定,管理用户信息等。 关键词:公文流转;办公自动化;工作流 Abstract The archives circulation system is the office automation systems core, in the introduction archives circulation system in the work classs foundation, the correlation technique which used to the present domestic and foreign archives circulation has carried on the summary, finally has carried on the forecast to the archives circulations development direction. The archives circulation is the OA core, also realizes the paperless work important symbol. The government and the Enterprises and institutions are using the office automation system to raise the office efficiency positively. The archives circulation subsystem takes all OA the public component, it uses the computer network high speed fast and the computer control strict accuracy realizes archives processing, speaking of the present traditional archives processing, to a great extent raised the archives processing efficiency and the accuracy. This article mainly narrated with realizes based on the work classs archives circulations systems analysis. This system based on B/S, uses in J2EE many kinds of standards and Struts compiles, the backstage database is Oracle9i. Realized the stage from the software initial demand analysis stage to the concrete softwares code, this article has made the detailed introduction. In this article designs the archives circulation system, mainly has two big module compositions: First, the member module, the member examines own related information thr


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