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摘 要 差速器是旅行车必不可少的总成。在旅行车行驶过程中,由于轮胎气压,道路状况,轮胎磨损的不同和转弯,在很多情况下内侧轮胎的行驶速度比外侧的慢。差速器不仅可以解决上述问题,而且对于提高旅行车的转向性和操纵稳定性有重要的作用。本文对各类差速器的优缺点作了较为详细的比较分析。 本次毕业设计主要是对安装在驱动桥的两个半轴之间的差速器进行设计,主要涉及到了差速器非标准零件如齿轮结构和标准零件的设计计算,同时也介绍了差速器的发展现状和差速器的种类,对于差速器的方案选择和工作原理也作出了简略的说明。在设计中参考了大量的文献,因此对差速器的结构和作用有了更透彻的了解。 关键词:半轴,差速器,齿轮结构 Abstract Differential is an essential assembly of vehicle. Due to difference in pressure of tires, road conditions, wear of tires and turning etc, inner wheels rotate slower than outer wheels in many situations. And differential can not only deal with the problem above, but also play an important role in enhancing motor vehicle’s steering performance and operating stability .In this paper, a more detailed comparative analysis has been made of the advantages and disadvantages of various types of differential. The design of the main drivers on the installation of the bridge in between the two axle differential design, mainly related to the differential structure of non-standard parts such as gear parts and standards for design and calculation, but also introduced the development of differential status and the type of differential. For differential selection and the principle of the program have also made a brief note. Reference in the design of a large amount of literature on the role of differential structure and have a more thorough understanding. Keywords: Axle, differential mechanism, gear struck 目 录 摘 要 I Abstract II 1.引言 1 1.1汽车差速器研究的背景及意义 1 1.2汽车差速器国内外研究现状 1 1.2.1国外差速器生产企业的研究现状 1 1.2.2我国差速器行业市场的发展以及研究现状 2 1.3汽车差速器的功用及其分类 3 1.4毕业设计初始数据的来源与依据 5 1.5本章小结 6 2.差速器的设计方案 7 2.1差速器的方案选择及结构分析 7 2.2差速器的工作原理 8 2.3本章小结 10 3.差速器非标准零件的设计 11 3.1对称式行星齿轮的设计计算 11 3.1.1对称式差速器齿轮参数的确定 11 3.1.2差速器齿轮的几何计算图表 16 3.1.3差速器齿轮的强度计算 17 3.1.4差速器齿轮材料的选择 19 3.1.5齿轮的润滑 19 3.1.6差速器齿轮的设计方案 19 3.2差速器行星齿轮轴的设计计算 20 3.2.1行星齿轮轴的分类及选用 20 3.2.2行星齿轮轴的尺寸设计 20 3.2.3行星齿轮轴材料的选择 21 3.3差速器垫圈的设计计算 21 3.3.1半轴齿轮平垫圈的尺寸设计 21 3.3.2行星齿轮球面垫圈的尺寸设计 22 3.4本章小结 22 4.差速器标准零件的选用 23 4.1螺栓的选用和螺栓的材料 23 4.2螺母的选用和螺母的材


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