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the influence jewish culture on jewish’s business论文 定稿
(定 稿)
论文题目: The Influence Jewish Culture
On Jewish’s Business
考生姓名: ???????????专 ? 业: ???????????准考证号: ??? 指导教师: ????????????通讯地址: ????邮政编码: ??????????联系电话: ?????????日期:2011 年 11 月 25日Contents
Introduction............................................ ……………………….. 4 ??
1. Cultural characteristics:?………………………………………. 5?
1.1 Being religious.................................................................... 5 ??
1.2 National Culture.................................................................. 6 ??
1.3 Impact on the world culture................................................ 6 ??
The way of Jew’s business:………………………………….6 ?? ?
2.1 The Jew’s Business History ??. ……………………… ...7 ?
2.2 The Jew’s Business Methods …………………. ……….7
2.3 The reason for the success of the Business ……………..7
2.3.1 Jews pay attention to education. …………. ……….8 ?
2.3.2 The suffering of the historical background………... 8 ?
2.3.3 Jews have unique religious culture. ………. ………9 ?
2.4 Examples of success……………………………... …….9 ?
The Influence of Jewish culture on Jewry’s……….............. 9?
3.1 To promote the culture development of the business…...10 ?
3.2 The Culture bring reputation…………………………….10
Conclusion………………………………………………………11 ?
Jewish Culture have effect on Jewish’s Business. The Jews have long history of ethnic groups. Jewish is a high IQ and mysterious people. The Jewish nations have effect on world civilization history. The nations have created a large number of epic proportions which are great and famous. They belong to the most extraordinary characters in all fields. Jewish businessman is recognized as the first businessman in the world. There are above 20%Jews billionaire in the United States. Jewish family education plays good foundation for the successful business. For Jews, making money is the most important living in the world.
Key worlds:?Influence, Culture, Business, Education, History.
The Jews are pers
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