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鹤壁职业技术学院 Hebi University of Vocation and Technology 毕 业 设 计 专 业:鹤壁职业技术学院机电工程系数控专业 班级学号: 0902112007 学生姓名: 寇俊涛 指导教师: 朱海勇 二〇一一年 十一 月 鹤壁职业技术学院专科生毕业设计 UG8.0多轴加工技术在叶轮的造型与编程仿真加工中的应用 UG8.0 multi-axis processing technology in the impeller modelling and simulation processing of application programming 专业班级:数控专业(二班) 学生姓名:寇俊涛 指导教师:朱海勇 系 别:鹤壁职业技术学院机电系 2011 年11月 摘要 UG(Epigraphic NX)是Siemens PLM Software公司出品的一个产品工程解决方案,它为用户的产品设计及加工过程提供了数字化造型和验证手段。ABSTRACT UG (UGigraphic NX ) is Siemens PLM Software company produced a product engineering solutions, it is for users of the product design and manufacturing process of digital modeling and validation means provides. It has powerful functions, is a highly integrated CAD / CAM / CAE software, which can be used throughout the product development, design, modeling, analysis and processing. The impeller is used as the power the key mechanical components, its processing technology has been manufacturing industry is an important subject in the. The air flow meter used in the integral impeller modeling, programming and processing research. CNC machining for the characteristic and difficulty, put forward in this paper based on the UGNX8.0 simulation of NC machining program and steps, application of UGNX8.0 to the integral impeller for NC machining tool path simulation, successful interference free tool path, simulation results and four axis NC machining procedure of NC. Key words: solid modeling; CNC machining; simulation 绪论 数控加工的图形化编程技术区别于普通数控编程技术的明显特点是:待加工零件的设计和加工编程是基于同一个 C A D / C A M环境下实现的,即数控加工刀具轨迹的产生依赖于产品的几何信息,并根据设计者提供的加工参数和刀具信息自动计算产生。图形化数控 自动编程技术实现了产品设计和制造过程信息模型的无缝连接,可有效地保证数控加工的质量和效率。使用 U G能把叶轮的 C A D建模和 C A M四轴数控编程很好地结合运用,编制出合适的程序。 数控加工仿真技术适合加工种类多、需求少、难加工的整体叶轮,降低整体叶轮加工的成本。高速切削加工和常规切削加工相比,在提高生产率、减少热变形和切削力以及实现高精度、高质量的零件加工方面具有显著的优越性;而四轴联动加工中心有高效率、高精度的特点,工件一次装夹就可完成五面体的加工。因此四轴高


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