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河南科技学院 200届本科毕业论文(设计) 论文题目:evelopment Trend of Manufacturing Technologies for Stainless Steel Tubes Both at Home and Abroad 学生姓名: 所在院系: 机电学院 所学专业: 导师姓名: 完成时间:200 年 月 日 摘 要:介绍了国内外不锈钢管的发展历程,分析了不锈钢管的生产设备,详细阐述了国内外不锈钢管生产技术向“三步法”炼钢与连铸工艺、热挤压工艺、冷加工以冷轧为主、冷拔为辅、有机溶剂脱脂、精整设备现代化、焊接+冷拔生产工艺、超声波振动冷拔工艺、温轧技术的发展趋势。从管坯生产工艺,热轧钢管生产工艺,冷拔冷轧工艺,脱脂工艺,工艺润滑,表面抛光等7个方面指出了 我国与国外的差距。提出了我国不锈钢管技术应在 “采用世界先进和成熟工艺技术生产不锈钢无缝管” 、“积极开发高档次高附加值和大规格的不锈钢焊管” 、“重视热处理和精整设施”的改造意见。 关键词:不锈钢管,生产技术,发展趋势,造意见 Development Trend of Manufacturing Technologies for Stainless Steel Tubes Both at Home and Abroad Abstrast: The evolution of overseas stainless steel tubes is presented systematically, and the proceses , development trend of manufacturing technologies for stainless steel tubes toward the “three-step methods ” process steelmaking and continuous casting, hot extrusion process, cold to cold Rolling mainly cold-drawing as a supplement, organic solvent degreasing, finishing the modernization of equipment, welding + cold drawing production process, cold-drawing process of ultrasonic vibration, temperature trends both at home and abroad are analyzed in this article. Also addressed here is the gap between the domestic sector and its counterpart overseas on the said technologies involving seven aspects, namely, bloom-making process, tube hot-rolling, tube cold-rolling/drawing processes, degreasing processes, process lubrication, surface polishing. Made of stainless steel pipe technology in China should adopt the worlds most advanced and mature technology of production of stainless steel seamless pipe, and actively develop high value-added and high-grade large-sized stainless steel pipe, attach importance to heat treatment and finishing facilities in the transformation of their views.The use of the worlds most advanced and mature technology of production of stainless steel seamless pipe 目 录 0引言 1 1 不锈钢的发展及应用概况 2 2 不锈钢管的现代生产设备 2 2.1 挤压机 2


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