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蜗轮蜗杆减速器的反求设计 摘 要 本次毕业设计研究的是蜗轮蜗杆减速器反求设计的设计方法。根据蜗杆蜗 轮减速器的形状可分为为圆柱蜗杆减速器和环面蜗杆减速器。而这次毕业设计 是研究的则是圆柱蜗轮蜗杆减速器。这次的毕业设计主要是在蜗轮蜗杆减速机 加工工艺和使用条件来加以计算的。 在设计论文时,首先,在前言部分写了一些国内外简单介绍关于的蜗轮蜗 杆减速器的内容,紧接着,则是讨论和研究蜗轮蜗杆减速机的设计原理。然后 又根据蜗轮蜗杆减速器的设计理论和准则设计出了本次毕业设计所要研究的对 象,而这样的设计过程是我们经常使用的,对我以后研究其它减速器的也会有 很大的帮助。 目前,在研究,设计, 制造和使用的蜗轮蜗杆减速 器上,我国相比于国外 先进水平还有相当大 的差距。在国内蜗轮蜗杆减速器的研 究,设计,加工和制 造过程当中,在很大的 程度上还存在着不足之处,这还 需要我们进一步的完善 和提高。 关键词:蜗轮蜗杆 反求设计 Abstract The graduation project is mainly elaborated on the design of a worm gear reducer system.Worm and worm reducer according to the shape of the worm can be divided into cylindrical worm reducer, worm reducer, worm reducer cone there.The graduation project is to study the design of cylindrical worm reducer method. This method is based on the process and conditions of use worm reducer be calculated. In the design specification, first of all, at home and abroad in the preamble worm reducer made a brief presentation and comparison and description, then, describes the worm gear reducer design principles and characteristics.Then follow the design criteria and design theory designed worm gear reducer, the design process 2 蜗轮蜗杆减速器的反求设计 is generally reducer design process, future research other reducer also have some value. Currently, the worm gear reducer design, manufacture and application of domestic and foreign advanced level there is still a wide gap. Domestic design and manu facture of worm gear reducer in the process, there is a drawback to a large extent, be further improved. Keywords:Worm gear and worm Reverse design 目 录 1 绪 论 .......................................................... 5 1.1 齿轮减速器的发展史 ....................................... 5 1.2 产品的概述 ................................................. 5 1.3 二级蜗杆—蜗轮减速器的特点 ................................ 6 1.4 本课题的研究意义 ......


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