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傳播學 (Communication Theory) 第一週 教師專業發展研究所 蔡文榮老師講授 * 「傳播學」之教學目標 學生能瞭解傳播學的範疇、內涵、與傳播應用的現況。 學生能廣泛蒐集各式媒體素材,並整合成一有意義之傳播媒體專題報告。 本學期基本要求 出席率:點名不到4次,一律死當。點名時機約在7點至7點半之間。 20% Evaluation(評分機制): midterm exam(期中考):open-book exam. 40% final report(期末報告):group report, powerpoint Download related videos / files/ pictures from websites: , 圖片, etc. 40% Textbook(教科書):錢玉芬編著(2007),傳播心理學,台北縣深坑:威仕曼文化。02 $450 教學內容 傳播心理學的組成要素 傳播者的影響 語文訊息 非語文資訊的刺激歷程 傳播媒體的影響力 傳播環境對閱聽人的影響力 閱聽人的訊息處理歷程 閱聽人認知基模的作用 閱聽人與性格 閱聽人與動機 閱聽人的情緒 媒介效果 態度本質與說服歷程 閱聽人的接收行為 傳播學 第二週:傳播學的組成要素 Components of Communication 教師專業發展研究所 蔡文榮老師講授 * Foreword(前言) 1 of 2 Communication(傳播) is an important issue in psychological research. Psychology is an important approach in communication research. It has been a long time that different domains have less interaction than you can imagine. The purpose of this book is intended to construct a psychological approach for communication on the one hand, and to extend a richer field for psychological research on the other hand. Foreword (前言) 2 of 2 In order to understand what communication psychology(傳播心理學) is all about, we need to look at the basic range of these two domains (communication and psychology) as our entry point. Basic elements of psychology Basic models of communication Screening from abovementioned information in order to distinguish the major domain of communication psychology. Ch 0. Section 1: Elements of psychology Simple definition of psychology: “Psychology is a science to study human behavior”.(研究人類行為的科學) 4 basic elements of psychology Individual / Organism (個體) ,簡稱O Behavior (行為),簡稱B Stimulus(刺激) ,簡稱S Response(反應) ,簡稱R Ch 0. 1-1 Individual / Organism個體 Human being is the subject to be studied in psychology. It is the individual, not corporate people, as the research subject. All the research results and theories constructed are to applied and referred to individuals. Synonym: organism(有機體) , refers to individual with life(有生命本體的個人) 。 Nothing to do with superstition(怪


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