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毕业设计(论文) 密级:公开 温湿度检测报警装置设计 Design of Temperature and Humidity Detection Alarm System 学 院:信息科学与工程学院 专 业 班 级:电子信息工程0803 学 号:080402075 学 生 姓 名:杨越 指 导 教 师:王湘明(副教授) 2012年 6月 摘要 随着科技的发展,温度的检测与控制是工业生产过程中比较典型的应用之一。随着人类生产生活环境不断改善,对物质需求不断提高,出现智能温度检测器、室内净化器等一系列改善温度检测的高科技产品,很大地提高了人类的生活质量。然而这并不能满足仓库温度检测对生产生活的需求,传统的温度检测系统大多数是以传统的水银或者热电偶温度计为基础,精度有限,而且只能达到温度检测的功能,但是并不能根据温度的变化采取报警动作,采用人力监控的方法会导致工作效率低下,浪费人力资源,所以不断开发利用新型数字温度检测报警系统,本文设计了温度检测及报警系统。 此系统采用了单片机的检测电路,能够自动、准确检测环境空气的相对温度以及湿度,并将检测数据通过A/D转换后,送到处理器中,然后通过编写好的软件程序,将当前环境的相对温度值通过液晶屏幕来显示;而且,通过软件编程,再加上相应的报警电路,设计出可以自动报警的温度检测装置:当被测环境过高时,系统自动发警报,来提示附近温度超出规定标准,相关人员可以根据报警情况及时调节温度,使空气温度保持在理想的状态。提高了工作效率,同时也节省了人力资源。 关键词:温湿度;检测;报警;单片机 Abstract With the advanced science and technology, the temperature of the inspection and control is an industrial production process is the typical application, as one of the test the temperature increases, the production and living conditions have constantly improved, the temperature, the detector cleaner improve the detection a series of high technology products. however, this cannot satisfy the temperature of the inspection requirements for life, traditionally the temperature testing system can only test the temperature but can not alarm when temperature become too high,so development and utilization of the new figures have been detected, the temperature control system design the temperature of the inspection and Alarm systems. The system of testing the circuit has a monolithic integrated circuits that automatically, accurate testing of the environment of the relative air temperature and will detect the data through a d after the conversion to processors, and then through software programming, the current environment, the relative value to a decimal number, then by which to show ; and, through software programming, plus appropriate control coupling, Design can automatically test the present environment of the


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