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* * 实用英语翻译 Practical English-Chinese Translation 第三周教案 The 2nd semester of 2010-2011 school year 翻译练习讲解 英译汉练习(一) Proverbs and epigrams form the nucleus of the wisdom of man. Those contained in this book (Treasury of Proverbs and Epigrams published in the United States of America) have been handed down through the ages by the great philosophers and teachers in the history of our world. While some of these men and women have all but been forgotten, their words are as fresh and new today as when first spoken; and their wisdom has grown and ripened with the passing of time. You who read this book can not help but reap rich rewards in knowledge and wisdom that will aid you as you go through life. 参考译文 格言与警句是人类智慧的结晶。美国出版的《格言、警句集锦》一书所收格言与警句均传自世界历代大师与先哲。 虽说这些大师与先哲中的一些人已被人们遗忘,但他们的名言仍和刚说出时一样,至今使人们记忆犹新,他们的智慧随着时光的流逝而日益发展,日臻完善。 读此书者定会吸取无穷的智慧和丰富的知识而终生受益。 课堂预热练习 1. A peasant girl: As you have come to my home, I feel greatly honored. 一位农家姑娘:大驾光临,不胜荣幸! 您来我家,我真是太高兴了! 2. He was canny, openhanded, brisk, candid, and modest. (Manchester: The Glory and the Dream) 他为人聪明大方,生气勃勃,忠厚耿直,谦虚谨慎。 3. She quietly and dreamily lowered herself into his arms, and Angel methodically marched off with her. (Hardy: Tess of the D’Urbervilles) 她服服帖帖、悠悠忽忽地靠在他的肩膀上,他不慌不忙、不紧不慢地抱着她向前走去。 4. He was a voracious reader, spending much of his days and evenings devouring books. 他读起书来废寝忘食,夜以继日。 5. There is something about four people, two couples, two like each other and get along; that have a swell time. 四人同乐,别有风趣。两对男女意气相投,感情融洽,玩得痛快。 6. She was always hurried during the day and tired at night. 她白天总是匆匆忙忙,晚上就疲惫不堪。 英汉互译中四字格词语的翻译 The Translation of Four-Character Phrases 四字格词语的美学价值 《水浒传》中四字格的翻译 《红楼梦》中四字格的翻译 I. 四字格的美学价值 1. Studies serve for delight, for ornament, and for ability. Their chief use for delight, is in privateness and retiring; for ornament, is in discourse; and for ability, is in the judgment an



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