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实 习 报 告 实习名称: 测控综合大实习 实习内容: 智能充电宝设计 姓 名: 学 号: 专 业: 测控技术与仪器 学 期: 2013-2014 第一学期 任课教师: 实习地点: 校内 实习时间: 2013.12 -2014.1 智能充电宝 摘要 :现如今,大屏智能手机,平板电脑,笔记本电脑,数码相机等,功能日益多样化,使用也更加频,特别是外出旅游时又是这些终端设备的使用高峰期,使用频繁带来的电量不够用,于是移动电源充电宝应运而生。虽然手机因品牌,型号等各有不同,但目前市场上的主要多功能性充电宝,都配置有标准的USB输出,基本能满足目前市场常见的移动设备手机,MP3,MP4,蓝牙耳机,数码相机等数码产品。 本论文将以MSP430和充电芯片MAX1898为基础设计一款手机理电池智能充电宝。首先MAX1898对锂电池进行充电,再接入升压电路、电池保护电路,通过开关切换使终端输出不同电压,充电完成报警引脚以及充电断开控制引脚均用单片机来进行控制,并显示充电状态和充电进度。 关键字:充电宝 终端 报警 控制 Abstract: Now, the big screen intelligent mobile phone, tablet computer, notebook computer, digital camera, functional diversification and the use is more frequency.The terminal equipment using peak when the tourist season. With the frequent use of power brought is not enough, the charging mobile being produced.Although mobile phone is different because of the brand, model , but currently mainly multifunctional charging Po, are equipped with a standard USB output on the market, can basically meet the current market common mobile equipment such as mobile phone, MP3, MP4, Bluetooth headsets, digital cameras and other digital products. This paper will design a Intelligent charging Po based on Single chip microcomputer MSP430 and charging chip MAX1898 .First MAX1898 charging the lithium battery , then access to boost circuit and battery protection circuit.Through the switch terminal output different voltage. Charging complete alarm pin and charging disconnect control pins are regulated by single-chip microcomputer ,and display the state of charge and charging schedule. Key word:charge pal terminal alarming control 目录 绪论 1.1本次课程设计的任务.....................................1 1.1.1 功能描述.........................................1 1.1.2 方案选择.........................................1 1.1.3 总体框图.........................................2 硬件设计部分.......................................2 2.1 主要器件及其功能..................



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