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原中国国家版权局官员 Former Official in National Copyright Administration of PRC 中国著作权法修改专家组成员 Member of the Expert Group for the Amendment of PRC Copyright Law 中国版权协会常务理事、法律委员会常务副主任 Executive Director of Copyright Society of China, Vice Executive Director of Law Committee 浩天信和律师事务所高级合伙人 Senior Partner, Hylands Law Firm Introduction to the PRC Copyright Law Amendments 2012.10.04 美国 旧金山 San Francisco, USA October 04, 2012 2012 ?XIAOGANG MA 马晓刚 律师 Mr. Ma Xiaogang Attorney-at-Law 一、 中国著作权法的立法延革 Legislation History of Copyright Law of China ◇中国最早的著作权法:1910年《大清著作权律》 The Earliest Copyright Law of China: Copyright Law of Qing Dynasty (1910) ◇中华人民共和国著作权法: PRC Copyright Law: 1949年---1991年间无《著作权法》 From 1949 to 1991, there was no copyright law in China. 1990年全国人大通过颁布《著作权法》 In 1990, the Copyright Law was promulgated by the National People’s Congress. 1991年6月1日实施 Copyright Law in effect from June 1, 1991. 2012 ? XIAOGANG MA ◇2001年第一次修改.(为加入世贸) In 2001, the first amendment was promulgated (due to joining the WTO) ◇2010年第二次修改.(为世贸争端) In 2010, the second amendment was promulgated. (due to WTO disputes) ◇2012年国务院立法计划 In 2012, the State Council announced the legislative plan regarding the Copyright Law 国家版权局启动草案修订 National Copyright Administration began to amend the law. 2012 ? XIAOGANG MA 2012年3月第一稿 March 2012, the first draft was published. 2012年7月第二稿 July 2012, the second draft was published. 即将完成的将提交国务院第三稿 Recently, the third draft was finished and will be submitted to the State Council. 说明:只是行政职能部门的建议草案稿。 Note: it is only an administrative department creating the draft. 2012 ? XIAOGANG MA 此次著作权法修改的重大变化和热点 Key Changes and Issues in this Amendment of Copyright Law (一)体例结构明显变化 Obvious Changes in Construction 现行法:六章 六十一条 Current Law: 6 Chapters and 61 Articles 建议稿:八章 八十八条 Amendment Draft: 8 Chapters and 88 Arti


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