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Chronological Framework Medieval Britain (1066-1485) Transition to Modern Age (1485-1688) The Age of Empire (1689-1901) Britain Since 1901 Early Britain (Before 1066) Prehistory times Early Britain (Before 1066) Prehistory times 巨石阵是既是天文台 又是至关重要的宗教祭祀场所 巨石阵的主轴线指向夏至时日出的方位, 其中有两块石头的连线指向冬至时日落的方向。 人们猜测,巨石阵是远古人类为观测天象而建造的。 墓葬用品散落在巨石阵及其岩石碎屑周围,代表一种避邪之物,表明巨石阵在古代的作用首先是一处朝圣地。 同时,巨石阵一带发现了数量非比寻常的骨骼,上面均留有重病或重伤的迹象。对遗骸牙齿分析的结果表明,其中一半人来于巨石阵以外地区。 Silbury Hill Silbury Hill Silbury Hill Early Britain (Before 1066) Roman Britain (55BC~~410) Early Britain (Before 1066) Roman Britain (55BC~~410) Christianity (基督教)was first introduced to Britain by the Roman Christianity had been hold in Britain with monks such as St. Augustine of Canterbury. By the end of 7th century, all of the kings of the British Isles were Christianized(皈依基督). Early Britain (Before 1066) Anglo-Saxon Britain Early Britain (Before 1066) Anglo-Saxon Britain Early Britain (Before 1066) Anglo-Saxon Britain Early Britain (Before 1066) Anglo-Saxon Britain Early Britain (Before 1066) Anglo-Saxon Britain Medieval Britain (1066-1485) Britain under the Norman kings William the Conqueror----Feudal System Medieval Britain (1066-1485) Britain under the Norman kings Plantagenet Dynasty 金雀花王朝 Henry II found the Plantagenet Dynasty 1154---1189: ruled 35 years Medieval Britain (1066-1485) Decline of feudalism 1. The Magna Carta (The Great Charter) 《大宪章》 was singed by King John In 1215 The spirit of the Great Charter was a limitation of the powers of the king Magna Carta (1215) Magna Carta (Latin for Great Charter, literally Great Paper). In 1215, King John was forced by a group of feudal Barons(男爵,贵族) and the church to grant them a charter of liberty and political rights. Magna Carta placed some limits on the king’s ability to abuse his royal power. The Magna Carta is regarded as the foundation of the British Constitutionalism(立宪制度) and it provides the basic principles(基本原则) for the protec


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