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摘要 混凝土搅拌机是施工机械装备中的重要设备其产品质量和生产效率直接影响着建筑施工质量和建筑施工进度强制式搅拌机是应用最普遍、使用率最高的混凝土搅拌机。双卧轴搅拌机是新型搅拌机型,因其搅拌质量好,生产率高被广泛用于各种搅拌场合。Concrete mixer is the key device of construction machinery and equipment. It has product quality and production efficiency, which direct impacts on the construction quality and progress of construction. Compulsory mixer is the most common and the highest utilization rate of concrete mixers。Double horizontal shaft mixer is a new-style mixer, which is widely used in many conditions because of the high mixing quality and productivity. The agitator is mainly composed of two groove agitating vessels connected, two mixer shafts rotating in the opposite direction and gearing. A certain number of regular mixer blades are equiped around the circle of the two horizontal shafts. In order to make sure the materials be stired in turn in the two mixer vessels, the mixer blades are staggered. With the help of rotating blades,conducts forced action of cutting,squeezing,rolling and thrusting to the material,andthus mixes it evenly in the fierce relative movement.Thjs kind of mixer is featured with strong mixing action.good mixing quality,hish productivity,but terrible wearing and big power consumption.Considering the arrangement of mixing blades and the main parameters of mixer,and by analysis to the mixing process,design a more reasonable mixer. Keywords:concrete mixer;twin-shaft;blade 目录 中文摘要 英文摘要 第一章 总述 1 1.1双卧轴搅拌机原理 1 1.2国内外搅拌机的发展历程 3 1.3搅拌机研究的背景与意义 6 1.4 论文研究的方法和内容 8 第二章 主参数设定 9 2.1搅拌筒的参数设计 9 2.1.1搅拌筒的外形与材质 9 2.1.2搅拌筒的尺寸确定及结构选型 11 2.1.3容积 13 2.2搅拌机功率 13 2.3搅拌机主轴转速 13 第三章 传动装置 14 3.1电动机 14 3.2减速机 15 3.2.1齿箱速比 15 3.2.2减速器的选用 15 3.3联轴器 16 3.3.2联轴器的选用 16 第四章 搅拌装置 17 4.1搅拌臂的排列 17 4.1.1搅拌臂的料流排列 17 4.1.2搅拌臂的数目 18 4.2搅拌轴上夹套设计 20 4.2.1选择材料,确定设计压力 20 4.2.2夹套筒体和夹套封头厚度计算 20 4.2.3内筒体壁厚计算 21 4.3搅拌叶片 23 4.3.1搅拌叶片的基本参数 23 4.3.2搅拌叶片的排列 26 4.3.3搅拌叶片的安装角度 28 4.4叶片的校核 30 4.4.1叶片数量的校核 30 4.4.2相邻叶片相位关系 30 4.3.3螺旋升角λ 30 4.5搅拌主轴 31 4.5.1主轴主要参数 31 4.5.2主轴的强度校核 32 4.6搅拌


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