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* Unit 7 Food Festival soup n. 汤 cheese n. 奶酪 pancake n. 薄煎饼 cookie n.曲奇饼干 fried rice chocolate cookies sushi beef curry pizza cheese pies black bread curries Where are the foods from? Listen to 1a again and match. Then make similar conversations after the example. 1c American B. Indian C. Chinese D. Greek E. Japanese F. Russian G. South African H. Italian D B H G A C E F No,he cant. And he regrets that he cannot come. What a pity.Im a big fan of Craig.I want to become a memeber of Free the Children.And I will gather my friends to join the group. Kangkang,can Craig come to our food festival? regret member gather group v.感到遗憾,惋惜 n.痛惜,懊悔,遗憾 n.成员,会员 v.召集,聚集;收集 n.组,组群 v.(使)成群,成组 宾语从句: 宾语从句是指充当宾语的句子。当陈述句充当宾语时,由that来引导,that 在口语或非正式文体中常省略。如: I know (that) he is from Canada. I think (that) we can have it on our school playground. Maria says (that) she doesn’t like the uniforms. ( )1.Let’s ____________make it a success. A.try our best B.try best to C.try our best to ( )2. When you have problems, you can ___ Mr.Xiong. A.turn on B.turn to C.turn off ( )3. I often get in touch ___ my friends____the Internet. A with; on B to; in C with; from ( )4. I know ___ he is a very kind man. A if B that C what C B A B 单项选择 根据句意及汉语提示完成句子: I know Lin Xin. But I don’t ____ ____(了解)her. We should ____ ____(考虑) how to help him. We should ___ ___ ___ (尽力) to learn English well. 4. We ____ ____ _____ (做海报) for the food festival yesterday. 5. I want to ___more _________ (获取信息) on the Internet about Craig Kielburger. 6. How shall we ____ ______ (筹钱) for the poor children in the village? 7.My mother ____ ____ _______(摆放餐具) for us just now. try our best made a poster get information raise money know about think about set the table 根据首字母或汉语提示完成下列句子。 1.We are _________


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